My bios lets me choose max 1.55 on Vcore but the new beta bios will allow me to get upto 1.7v, I think. I have my cpu OCed to 2.8 ghz with kinda low temps and thats the max I get with that Vcore. But I'm wondering if I download the latest beta bios would it hurt my cpu if I take it 1.6v or higher? Now 1.6v isn't a big deal but when hearing people say that 90nm cpu's is in dangerous zone when it has 1.6v and higher it gives me second thoughts.........but is it true?
It would be damn good if I could take the 3200+ to 2.9ghz and higher :naughty:
It would be damn good if I could take the 3200+ to 2.9ghz and higher :naughty: