Shantytown - an adventure game.


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
"A point and click adventure?" I hear you ask. "In the source engine? What madness is this? What will they think of next? Books printed on cabbage?" Well, yes (the patents are pending). Those clever people at the SMU Guildhall have released this mod where the player, as young inventor Ellie and her robot chum Ted, must negotiate the fungus-infected favelas of a post-apocalyptic plutocracy in a Worlde Gone Madde.[br]

[br]Click here to visit the team's website and here to download. Warning: you are likely to be eaten by a grue. You can also download
Weekday Warrior
- another similar Source-based title from students at the same college in which Doug, a
daydreaming office worker
, must save his colleagues from certain unemployment. Have fun!

Cheers for the news, by the way - I was all like "an adventure game! Holy shit!" <3
Cyan Leader said:
My my, I wonder what it's next. The Sims: Source.
You make it sound like someone making a mod that isn't a shooter is a bad thing
aah ! alex without make-up !:eek: or was she always that ugly ? as for Shantytown, looking good :thumbs:

Before i download this;

What makes this new and unique? What is its key-features?

Edit: Someone needs to redo that HUD.
Downloading. I can't wait for the Bible printed on cabbage.
Woah, that town looks awesome.

I'll give this a try.
Majestic XII said:
Before i download this;

What makes this new and unique? What is its key-features?

Edit: Someone needs to redo that HUD.

It's a point & click adventure on the Source engine... is there really anything else that needs to be said? x.x
Interesting, Avast says "materials\VGUI\resource\cursor_walk005.vtf" is a virus 0_o
vegeta897 said:
Interesting, Avast says "materials\VGUI\resource\cursor_walk005.vtf" is a virus 0_o
xlucidx said:
It's a point & click adventure on the Source engine... is there really anything else that needs to be said? x.x

I've been playing point & click adventures for decades. I mean, whats new?
Majestic XII said:
I've been playing point & click adventures for decades. I mean, whats new?
It's prettier than most P&CAs out there. D:
vegeta897 said:
Interesting, Avast says "materials\VGUI\resource\cursor_walk005.vtf" is a virus 0_o

Hmm. Im downloading now. Ill see if it says the same for me.

/hopes i dont get swarmed with viruses
nod32 says it's all clean, i scanned installer and the installed folder in steam apss
Veotax said:
You make it sound like someone making a mod that isn't a shooter is a bad thing

I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I made a little fun of it yes, but also I'm amazed to see what people can pull of the Source engine.
For some reason this game makes me think of Beyond Good and Evil from the screenshots, and that can only be a good thing!
Cyan Leader said:
I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I made a little fun of it yes, but also I'm amazed to see what people can pull of the Source engine.

The Source Engine is ideal for storytelling/RPG given all the facial technology.
The story certainly sounds very cool. I downloaded it, played for about 10 minutes, and exited. I can barely even get to where I want to go, all the little options are so hard to work with. Bleh... do not like the game. Maybe I'll try again later.
Gray Fox said:
nod32 says it's all clean, i scanned installer and the installed folder in steam apss

hmm, stopzilla found some spyware or somesuch in the file after it downloaded. Avast had no problems though.
The game is kinda fun, I guess. I'm stuck at the part before I plant the seed. When I try to unscrew the plat it just eats my screwdriver.
Well, I don't know what it was before, but it's working EONS better, now. I'm gonna go play it. :)
Well, I missed out on cooking the chicken, so I restarted it, then after I picked up the gas pump again, Ellie froze and wouldn't move, so I quit. :(

It really sucks that there's no save options. Really nifty game though, I'll definately go back to it later (now that it's working. :D).
Well I managed to beat Shantytown (the first chapter, anyway), after starting all over for the sixth time. Ted kept getting "stuck", i.e. he'd either stay in one spot, or I couldn't get him to perform actions anymore. It's cool in the sense that it was made in 6 months, but I'd say it's not fit for mass consumption.

As for Weekday Warrior, the mod wouldn't install. Other than that, it's great! :D
Six times? Wow. I'm just about to go for my third. Cooked the chicken, yet again showing how stupid I can be sometimes, I won't go into detail, planted the big mushroom thing, and there's obviously a script for Ellie to walk over to the ladder, but she got stuck on it. And this game doesn't even have a save option! Arghhh! Oh well... :(

I'll be sure to plant the seed on the ladder's side of the square next time...

Edit: Oh, it was only that chapter for right now... that would explain why there's no save option...
The mod is nice but I had to restart 4 times due to game-breaking bugs :(
Kadayi Polokov said:
The Source Engine is ideal for storytelling/RPG given all the facial technology.
QFMFT. Vampire : The Masquerade : Bloodlines was the best AND hawtest example of them all.
Beerdude26 said:
QFMFT. Vampire : The Masquerade : Bloodlines was the best AND hawtest example of them all.

Agreed, VTM:B used it brilliantly. I'd of loved to see something like Fahrenheit done with Source.
Good concept badly executed, but right, it's just a quickly done mod. It was kind of neat, but these getting-stucked bugs... Ohh... Right now I'm downloading Weekday Warrior. Anyone played it?
I didn't actually encounter any bugs, so i guess i'm just lucky :p

However it did make me think how awesome a game of this kind would be (esspically with ALOT better voice acting :p) also I would prefer a third person, control with keyboard, type thing instead of clicking, but still it was great :cheese:
Actually, Weekday warrior is with the keyboards and you dont click with the mouse to move, u click on items u can use.
I Think weekday warrior is a little bit better then shanty town, but it always crush to desktop for me... But probably because my stupid computer. oh well :)
By the way for those adventure freaks ADG interactive released a remake of King quest 3. Looks very nice. give it a try.
a remake of King Quest 3? I'm so searching for that :)