Shark Week Commercials on Discovery Channel


Jun 11, 2003
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They make me laugh like a retard, anyone seen them? It's got Mike Rowe doing an impression of Robert Shaw from Jaws, makes me lawl

Can't find a vid of it on google video or youtube
I remember last years was hosted by the MythBusters. That rocked.
shark week > you

Shark Week is probably the best part of Discovery Channel, I love it, especially the 3D thing with that ancient shark "Megaladon".. I have 3D glasses, so it is cool to watch it.. I don't know if they play it anymore, though..
lol do you mean the commercial where hes pointing out his shark scars and then theres the one of the smiley face on his leg that he got from a carnival that wouldnt come off and he goes ".... i hate carnies..."
Mike Rowe is the man. I can't wait for shark week, it owns everything. Yeah for uber-predators eating big chunks of meat!