Shenmue 3


Apr 29, 2004
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So is anybody here, wanting a sequal to shenmue 3 for the nex gen of games. I've heard rumor that they are making it. I'm not talking about shenmue online.
I've always hoped they would make a shenmue 3, I liked the last 2 games..the first one for Dreamcast and the second one for XBOX...I also heard a rumor that shenmue 3 might be on PS3.
I sure hope there will be a shenmue three, I could just imagine what the graphics could be like. I just hope it will be easier to get from point a to point b and also I hope it will be easier to walk, I feel like im driving a tank.
Shenmue 2 was originally on DC but it was never released in the US on the DC, I never bought the XB version because it has English voices, I really prefer the Japanese over the English.:)
Shenmue was a chore to play.. lol but for some reason it's one of those franchises that despite being boring when the actual game comes out.. I still am insterested.
I really hope it is released. I loved the first two games. The story was awesome. Loved the QTE's and the CQTE's in Shenmue 2. It could be a bit slow at times, but it was still fun.

It was one of those games that nobody gave chance... :(
Check out : :)

I'm not sure wether i'd get Shenmue: Online if it came to Europe. I'm a bit "iffy" about it.
i've heard lots of great things about the series so i'd like to see it on a next gen console, ps3 hopefully.
Shenmue 1 and 2 played on the dreamcast, :D amazing games but shenmue 2's ending was pretty lame and shenmue 3 will be on teh xbox right? bugger that :P
I remember the whole lead up to Shenmue 1 being first released. The whole FREE system and everything, where you could interact with anything and go wherever you wanted. I must've read every preview in every magazine about the game.

I have 1 & 2, but I can't remember whether or not I finished the second one. Was the slutty babe with the motorbike in the first one or the second one?
I liked shenmue for the Dreamcast, A lot of attention to detail that could rival HL2. I also liked Shenmue 2 (which I also bought for the Dreamcast), but it felt more rushed, I couldn't help notice that the chinese wasn't translated (or was it Japanese).

The reason I believed it to be chinese was because the 2nd was set in China but the first one was set in Japan (But for some strange reason spoken in English)

Can you get an emulator for the PC so you can play it.
I have Shenmue 2 on Xbox. Great game. But the english voice overs are so ****ing horrible...ugh.
I liked shenmue for the Dreamcast, A lot of attention to detail that could rival HL2. I also liked Shenmue 2 (which I also bought for the Dreamcast), but it felt more rushed, I couldn't help notice that the chinese wasn't translated (or was it Japanese).

The reason I believed it to be chinese was because the 2nd was set in China but the first one was set in Japan (But for some strange reason spoken in English)

Can you get an emulator for the PC so you can play it.
The reasons it wasn't dubbed in English, the 2nd game that is, iirc, was that the company was having financial troubles at the time and felt it simply wasn't worth dubbing it in English.
Was the slutty babe with the motorbike in the first one or the second one?

The first one didn't have lame stuff like that. The first one had the "yo! bro guy ;)" god he is cool! uh oh it's happening again!
The first one kicked so much arse. I remember playing that game so much. I never actually got the second, I heard it was good but...meh. Hopefully the third will get me interested again :)
Fat Tony! said:

The first one didn't have lame stuff like that. The first one had the "yo! bro guy ;)" god he is cool! uh oh it's happening again!

Its been a long time since I've played the game, I forgot about that guy ;(

What ever did happen to Gollum, the guy you fought as the last boss at the dock ;)