Shiatty chat things

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Mar 7, 2005
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OK! I was at this place called Crab Chat and there was a dude named Ice Max, so he asks me whats your e-mail adress for 2 freakin hours (Im waiting for a friend) then I finnaly type STFU N00B!!! So what happends.... He hacks in and gives me a viruis.
He killed my computer, this tard killed my comp, now he has my e-mail but I sent him a warning and that e-mail had the words "cops" "911" Stop it". Now he's gone yet I still hate that monkey ass! I use a crappy comp, it dosnt have HL2 on it. And you know what else sucks? My other comp had city of heroes on it, and that game has a monthly fee! And I forgot my user name I remember my password execpt my freakin user name...
THANKS A LOT F*** HOLE!!! :sniper:
.....K, I propose you seek the form of a mental hospital.
pr0nking said:
.....K, I propose you seek the form of a mental hospital.

This is like your 2nd freaky's amusing, but freaky.
specialmax said:
OK! I was at this place called Crab Chat and there was a dude named Ice Max, so he asks me whats your e-mail adress for 2 freakin hours (Im waiting for a friend) then I finnaly type STFU N00B!!! So what happends.... He hacks in and gives me a viruis.
He killed my computer, this tard killed my comp, now he has my e-mail but I sent him a warning and that e-mail had the words "cops" "911" Stop it". Now he's gone yet I still hate that monkey ass! I use a crappy comp, it dosnt have HL2 on it. And you know what else sucks? My other comp had city of heroes on it, and that game has a monthly fee! And I forgot my user name I remember my password execpt my freakin user name...
THANKS A LOT F*** HOLE!!! :sniper:
I can't even read that shit,why can't you take some time just to correct your spelling,sure this isen't a spelling bee but at lease make your posts readable.
Lately the forums been getting alot of spam, mods should ban on sight, no reason to spam and if you do, you should get banend without warning, meh.
Ritz said:
Lately the forums been getting alot of spam, mods should ban on sight, no reason to spam and if you do, you should get banend without warning, meh.
...and thats why you ain't a mod. :laugh:
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