SHINOBI PLZ READ - Light Patches on terrain

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Shinobi ive found some threads you made last year about getting white splodges on your map, well i have just come across the same thing and have spent the last 5 hours trying to fix it.

Well, no i havent fixed it, but PLEASE tell me you managed to get it working, because im close to throwing hammer out the window and shoving my PC up valves arse -

Anyway heres a thread ive posted all over the net to try and get some help.

"Im making a zm_escape map and the brushwork has taken me nearly 50 hours to do. Imagine my relief that all i have left to do is the lighting of the map.........

I started of by adding one light_environment entity and have come across something i just cant fix -

h t t p:// (delete the spaces on h t t p to get link working, forums wouldnt let me link it :/)

The big white spots on EVERY wall and floor in the map that are facing the same diection as tjhe ones you see in the picture.
The strange thing is, i get these big white spot effects from ANY light source.

The walls that are affected are EVERY displacement wall and floor in my map that are facing the same as the ones in the picture. Considering nearly my whole map is made of displacements, thats alot of white spots.

For some strange reason, if i turn the displacements into normal brushes the lighting is fine.

I have no leaks, no errors, a pure clean compile log.

Ive tried different textures, different texture sizes (as shown in the picture), new brushes, sky textures and nodraw textures behind the displacements (the seal brushes), light entities, light_spot entities.

Ive tried all differnt kinds of light values, ambient light values, huge constant and linear numbers (when ive tried with light entities), but every type of light i shine at these stupid displacement walls, produces big white stupid splodge marks. Ive tried EVERYTHING. Im really frustrated and ive spent the last 4 hours trying to fix it. WTF IS GOING ON?

Amy i doing something stupidly wrong or is hammer just fecking about with me?

So my question is, why wont displacements on my map light properly?

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated."
hey man, yeah that problem was a bitch and took me like 6 months to get around, unfortunately in my head I dont remember any one single solution so here's some suggestions/things I did to help recitfy the situation..

1)did you make the texture? if so you make sure that the vmt is either lightmappedgeneric or worldvertexblend and if it's a blend make sure both vtf's the same res. I remember I was having some issues once and I realized I was using the wrong format of material.

2)use -LargeDispSampleRadius in your VRAD compile, it smaples the light over a greater range to help minimize lighting issues

3)what does the lightmap scale say? if it's an odd number set it to the lowest multiple of 2 the editor will let you use

4)are you terrain patches very large? if so you might consider using the clip tool and subdividing the patches into smaller pieces.

I'll take a look at the map that had the problems and see if I can remember anything else this weekend..

let me know how it goes:)
Shinobi, dont think im being funny here but -



-LargeDispSampleRadius is now my best friend ^^

Seriously you have saved me many hours, if not days, if not weeks (if not giving up on the map) of time trying to fix this.

It would of taken me ages of "in map" tinkering before i got around to tinkering with the vrad command parameters.

I know its only a map, but today i feel really happy knowing i can properly start to light it up ^^

Cheers buddy, if we lived closer together id come round and buy you a beer. :cheers:
Shinobi, dont think im being funny here but -



-LargeDispSampleRadius is now my best friend ^^

Seriously you have saved me many hours, if not days, if not weeks (if not giving up on the map) of time trying to fix this.

It would of taken me ages of "in map" tinkering before i got around to tinkering with the vrad command parameters.

I know its only a map, but today i feel really happy knowing i can properly start to light it up ^^

Cheers buddy, if we lived closer together id come round and buy you a beer. :cheers:

no problem man, that's what the mod scene is all about:)