Shoe Shopping


Apr 12, 2006
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Hey, im looking to buy some new shoes, want to know some good shopping sites to buy some. They need to be able to be sent to UK.
I like shoes like vans, o-neil that type of make.

Thank You in Advanced
I involuntarily cringed when I saw the title of this thread. I guess that's what being married to a shoe-a-holic does to you.
real men dont wear shoes

or if you dont want to be a man after all them call a gay friend

And Sears.

I think those are the only two places I ever bought shoes.

I have two pairs of the exact same shoes atm. Both of which are pretty worn.

I cant be arsed to care about fashion whatsoever. I just wear shit that feels comfortable.
Converse are WELL comfy and look ace. Whats the problem?

they are the standar issued emo or poser shoe

or in more simply ways they are everywhere,if I get a dollar for every person wearing converse I will be da rich

and I dont care about fashion cuz thats the main reason its so popular