Shoe the shoeless !!!

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Because I'm going to beat every barefoot motherf*cker in here.

Also, you can play a game, and if you do good the makers donate rice to filthy poor people around the world trough the UN.

The game itself
After a bunch of wrong answers, 3 rice balls, and 400 rice pieces, I quit. Now they are going to make some asian kid pick out exactly 400 rice pieces. :laugh:
I donated 1500 rice grains. That'll have to do for today.
Level 50 :D


I hope they make rice pudding ... I love rice pudding.
Is it nutritionally devoid white rice?


Most healthy humans have a caloric intake of at least 2000 calories per day. Weighing individual grains of rice at 25 milligrams, a 250 cc cup of rice (uncooked), weighing 250,000 milligrams (assuming 250cc of rice = 250grams), contains 10000 grains of rice. At 200 calories per (prepared) cup of rice, it would take 10 cups to feed a person for one day. In order to donate 10 (uncooked) cups, a person must answer 10000 questions correctly.

However this is assuming that the daily required calorie intake is contributed only by the consumption of rice.

By 11 November 2007, enough rice had been donated since FreeRice's inception (only 1 month previously) to feed 50,000 people for 1 day.[2]


Since FreeRice became well-known through Digg and other news sources, many programming-adept users created scripts to automatically play the game for them. The scripts operate far faster than humans alone and run for 24 hours a day. At first, the scripts got only ~1/4 of the words correct by random chance. Eventually, these bots were adapted with dictionary files and word database dumps so the programs can choose the correct answers the first time more often. The word database dumps were created so when the incorrect answer was chosen, the bots would record the correct answer the next page would show. Thus, the bot would choose the correct answer whenever it happened upon the same words later. Due to the growing number of scripts used on FreeRice, the number of rice donated has remarkably risen.

Currently there are no rules governing "ricebots" as they are called. Therefore, until those rules are formed, anyone is free to program and use the scripts that will each literally feed over 10,000 starving people per day.[3]

Both from wikipedia.
Yeah there was another one with "citadel". I'm having chicken with rice tonight. :cheese: *nom nom nom