Short CS S AVIs

GOD i feel bad for your fps, 10? I thought it mightve been to bad video quality but the vid was runnin 31 fps... :rolling:
lol i dont get 10fps ingame :/ ( my 6800 helps :p )

10fps is just the standard setting for moviemaking from CS Source. When u put in the command 'startmovie' it takes screenshots ( TGA files ) at a speed 10 frames per second which is a handy thing to know for compiling them in Videomach later :)
Yeah, you could use fraps -> good if you have full version and have a separate harddrive to stream to.


You can actually set the framerate for outputting the images from the demo... like so:

host_framerate 30 (forces fixed framerate for playback)
playdemo xxx (starts the demo playback)
startmovie css (starts dumping demo frames to file and writing the .wav)
== Credit Yahn Bernier @ VALVe

So you don't have to put up with 10fps demos and have people make fun of you because they think thats what you get in-game :cheese:
FRAPS is horrible for taking video from in-game. It uses up way too much system resources, and can bog down just about any game.
U dont use fraps whilst playing silly :p u use it when playing back ure demo.

The reason i didnt use fraps is because it sucks :p quality really sucks :)

This method can produce some really high quality movies, the only reason these arent really that high quality is that my webspace is limited so i couldnt host anything too big. You wouldnt have known anything about the 10fps if the netgraph hadnt been up :)

In my opinion this is the best way to make CS AVIs ( short of having a second pc with a capture card working :p )