Short gameplay movies


Sep 30, 2005
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So, I turn on steam and I get an update telling me that "short gameplay movies that focus on Alyx (like Episode one) will be released shortly". I find no thread or newspost about it here. In fact, it looks like this update never happened. This has driven me crazy the entire day and I wonder: has anyone else seen this update in steam? Perhaps I'm starting to go mad..
yeah i saw the update too. When i saw the update, i wanted to watch the short gameplay movie badly. i went looking at the media section and i couldnt find anything about the ep1 gameplay movies
I just checked Steam and I got it too. The videos will be under My Media section of Steam. No mention of dates except "before June 1st", but what's really interesting is the strange phrasing:

And I quote:
"As we approach the launch of our first episodic episode, we will be releasing a series of short gameplay clips that will focus, like Episode One, on Alyx."

"LIKE Episode One" gives me a strang inkling that these won't just be two minute clips of you blowing through antlions, and will actually be very informative to the story/character of Alyx." Hmmm....
I got it now, even though it was announced on friday. Weird. And yes, I had restarted earlier under this time.
I'm sure Valve have enough sense not to include spoilers. They showed far too much HL2, and they have thankfully been pretty light-weighted on how much Episode 1 is being shown.
I'll watch the vids - just to get my hyper metre higher ;)
Damn the hype is killing, nothing to do, why not watch them? :D And it looks something is being uploaded on the servers...
I'm a little more calmed down and not as hyped up for the release probably because a lot of stress that was on me is gone. I mean school's almost over and I just finished my thesis paper along with a few missing assignments.
Episode One

I would like to say that the new media for episode one has been released.