Short Guide to Grenade Cooking


Apr 24, 2004
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Cooking grenades is an incredibly powerful way to kill people. It shoots fast and accurately. Most people don't expect it either... Or can't do anything about it.
Here's a quick guide on how to do it.

Be standing.. If you're crouching the grenade will roll really quickly.

Some people say to look down but i find it doesn't really matter. In fact, I'd stay looking forward so you can keep an eye on your target.

Having fastswith on (options, keyboard, advanced) really helps.. although you should have it on anyways

Hit 5 to pull out your greande

Right Click to secondary fire your grenade.. It will toss it in front of you.

Hit 1 to pull out your manipulator.

Hold Right Click to pick up the grenade (BE QUICK) wave your grav gun around a little if you have to.. In time you'll get better at it, and faster.

Timing is the worst part about doing this. Depending on how quick you are with tossing and picking up the nade you'll have to guage how to to hold the grenade before you left-click primary fire it at your enemy. Even I still hurt myself (move up from killing) at times..

If you've ever noticed the clicks the grenade makes you can use those to help you time it. These are not seconds, they're much faster

it goes like this:
Click (it's armed)
ClickBOOM! (grenade explodes)

Generally for long distance launches you throw it on the 4th last click. Mid distance 3rd last. Close Quarters second last.

If you have it for the last click you're dead. Unless you have ALOT of shield.

Timing best comes with practice. Remember, better sooner launched away then later. Better well done than burnt (pun on "cooking" grenades)

Good luck
I find it much easier to just press "G"... That auto switched to your manipulator.

Old concept, but nice little guide there.
Yeah, not a bad little guide for all those wondering about how exactly to cook a grenade. Hopefully we'll see this a bit more in DM... then again, I only say that to see the first few times people try it and end up killing themselves. :D
Synthos said:
Timing is the worst part about doing this. Depending on how quick you are with tossing and picking up the nade you'll have to guage how to to hold the grenade before you left-click primary fire it at your enemy. Even I still hurt myself (move up from killing) at times..
I'm not sure if you worded this wrong, or I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but:
As soon as you pick a grenade up with the manipulator, the timer on the explosion resets.
So as long as you pick it up with your manipulator before it explodes, the time you have to throw it is the same as if you picked it up as quick as possible.

When you first drop a grenade, there is a small delay before it begins to tick down to exploding. (as you explained with your click pause) Once you pick it up again, it will start the process over without the pause. Here's a link to a demo I made to show this:

Once I had learned this, it made using grenades with the manipulator a lot easier and more effective.
It is definitely my weapon of choice. It's instant kill on someone with full health (not full armor, though.) and is completely unavoidable.

I'm actually surprised at the lack of people using grenades this way. One good use is that you can kill someone camping the rocket launcher in overwatch from the streets by launching a grenade right into their face.

Ohh, and, one more thing: DON'T EVER LEFT CLICK A GRENADE. Why? Because this is like asking someone to kill you. As soon as you throw it down, any person can grab it with the manipulator and throw it back, and it becomes their grenade, and their kill.
wow, I'll have to check that out myself...

and you're right with the left click thing.. however I haven't met anyone smart enouhg to do that against me (if i've ever normally thrown a grenade)

nor have i met anyone smart enough to get the hell out of the roon when I'm cooking...
i do it all the time...killed quite a few people. although i prefer ramming objects into people as its more satisfying
interesting.... has this tactic been around long?
Get a five buttoned mouse like mine (7 if you count the wheel up/down) because there are two extra buttons on the side that i have binded to manipulator and grenade.
I find it easier to just blow them across the room with the shotgun :\
i find it easier if you bind each weapon to a key. i dont think i can play a game without binding my keys, its bullshit!