Should Ep.3 have ironsights?


Jun 17, 2007
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Ironsights is the ability in a game to look down the gun, instead of just holding it to the side. Like COD4, I think that Ep. 3 should include ironsights for almost all the guns, cept the grav. gun.

Do you think it would be cool to have ironsights though?

Example of ironsights:

think about it....all of the sudden you can now use iron sights????
Iron sights would make the game feel gritty. Half-life doesn't do gritty.
Itd be awsome. Sure as hell would help with aiming. Of the majority of FPS hero's Gordon can barely do a damn thing.No melle, no ironsights, nothing!.
It would be horrible, also, why would you want to use that? We have a crosshair. It would slow down the pace, cower most of the screen, make us miss details, and their sudden apperance..
No. Episode 3 is an EPISODE, not a God damned new game. Even if it was a new game, keep out the damn unnecesary stuff that are there just because they are popular.
I want to be able to do more!! Not look like a weakling while Alyx kung fu throws zombies and s***.
I like it, mostly because of the effects when you ironsight.

How does it make the game gritty though?\

At least the SMG needs the ironsights, because it looks like that reflex thing was made for it. :/
Iron sights are really only necessary when the weapons are inaccurate when looking over the sights. The HL weapons behave as they should. I don't need to be sniping in with the mp7.
Iron sights are really only necessary when the weapons are inaccurate when looking over the sights.

Please explain, this doesn't really make sense.

I'm torn between this. It would make the combat so much more engaging, but it might also ruin the theme/feel of the series
Episode 3 should not have ironsights. Ironsights are for games that are trying to be realistic. I use ironsights in CoD4. There are ironsights in Bioshock, which I used all of twice and if there was ironsights in HL2 I wouldn't bother with them either. This is a game where you carry a dozen weapons and can shoot while sprinting backwards or jumping with the same accuracy as standing still. Bringing in an ironsight based aiming system into HL2 would slow it down. I have no problem with games that use the hold down [button] for aiming method, but those games are a different style to HL2.
Wrong game. All of the HL weapons are sufficiently accurate over long enough ranges any way, so I don't see why you'd want them added. There will never be a point where iron sights will do you any better than your normal view in the series. If anything, they would be a hindrance and never be used.

Encouraged use of iron sights would only slow down the game's combat action, making it entirely out of character for the Half-Life series. You're supposed to be getting up close and smashing faces with gravity gun projectiles, or storming into a room and mowing the ****ers down. Making it a safe experience with players sniping Combine forces with an MP7 from a doorway is just lame.

This isn't a knock against the feature itself. It just has its place in other games.
No ironsights, but changing from a cone-of-fire spread effect (eg. with the MP7) to a proper recoil effect might be nice.
think about it....all of the sudden you can now use iron sights????

All of a sudden you can now use your flashlight longer?

If it improved gameplay, and was properly done, the capability to use the sights of your weapons should be implemented and would be implemented. It would be wise for Valve to give it a shot and have them implemented during the testing of the game, to see whether or not they get decent feedback, in the least. A feature that improves gameplay doesn't always make sense.
Why waste time testing out a feature that doesn't fit into the game on even a conceptual level? I don't see any wisdom in that.

There needs to be a clear rationale for why such a significant alteration should be made to HL2's combat. "Other games have it" isn't enough. Why not add iron sights to Quake or Halo? Because it doesn't fit into the style of gameplay those series deliver. And even if it did get the green light, I wouldn't count on it appearing in Episode 3.
Seeing how people responded toit here mekes me think that Valve most likly won't try it out.
I'd welcome iron sights to the Half-Life series, only if the firing cone and power we're changed. I want an actual assault rifle, not a half-assed sub machine gun - no model for the grenade launcher.

That's why I think the weakest part of the HL series is definitely the combat, it needs an overhaul IMO.
Well, that's just a bad example because the models made by Valve aren't created for ironsights, ya lemon.

Is this supposed to enforce your reasoning in any way?

Remembering HL's old motto "Think, Shoot, Live", the gameplay is definitely not encouraging the "Take your time to aim" technique.
Remembering HL's old motto "Think, Shoot, Live", the gameplay is definitely not encouraging the "Take your time to aim" technique.


If HL's combat needs an overhaul, then it needs to be more kinetic. It needs to remain immediate and mobile. Patience and exacting accuracy are not its virtues.
they were added in one of the many versions of smod, and were fun to play with, i don't see why not.

Seriously, hl2's weapon loadout is already showing its age, and has been doing so for a long time. Where other games are exploring different ways of handling weapons, halflife is still stuck in the late 90s mentality.

adding iron sights i think is the least they can do. I mean there are so many immersion adding things that could be done. simulated accuracy systems, weapon specific melees, weapon customization, alternate ammos, loose aiming, bullet penetration, etc. etc.

or maybe just greater range of interaction with the environment.

the floating bodiless guncam with a weapon welded to the bottom right is losing its appeal.
But this other way of handling weapons, it's still not really changing anything at all. Half-life has long surpassed the rest in terms of gameplay and it's by recognizing the fact that superficial changes such as iron sights, alternate ammo, "Loose aiming" are just that – superficial. It's just a means to the same end. What Valve has works and doesn't need to change. What they change constantly is their gameplay, over and over, scene by scene, chapter by chapter.

I don't see anyone else doing that.
In case we all forgot, half-life does have a trademark...

Crowbar anyone? :D

I personally use it a lot, and it is a lot more useful than people give it credit for. You probably use it at least 4 times on every level. I can completer ravenholm on hard with just the crowbar. (It really isn't hard, just run around the zombies. The fast zombies really don't do that much damage, and poison zombies are hartmless if you kill all the headcrabs. (1 hit from the crowbar does it. Think of it like headcrab baseball.)

Use the crowbar more. it will make Half-Life feel like one of a kind again. :)

And I think keeping it old school is doing that also, but melee in some way would be useful. I personally like the kick in s.mod. it just seems like something that would be easy in the H.E.V. suit. If it can power gordon to run for 15 seconds, I'm sure it could power a powerful kick that could kill a zombie torso in one hit. At least they could put in a stomp for headcrabs. :/
Firing from the hip is cool. Gordon Freeman = cooler than you.

Sorry I couldn't resist posting that one :p

It just doesn't feel right.
Please explain, this doesn't really make sense.

I'm torn between this. It would make the combat so much more engaging, but it might also ruin the theme/feel of the series

Try firing a weapon without aiming in with a game that uses iron sites(you can't hit shit if they are more than two feet away). With the HL series you can. Switching would flip he entire combat on it's head.
Meh, they look bad in source anyway.

yea see ironsights=bad. they dont show any of the womanly parts of alyx! they are evil. its ok in cod4 cause its just men in that game. and no one wants to see down there. :thumbs:
However the firing cone in all the weapons is rather inconsistant, save for the gravity gun which is a weapon that doesn't exist. Although some weapons like the USP match which in real life is a .45 caliber pistol, although in HL it is rather nothing like its real life counter part. Please 18 rounds? Not even a high capacity 9mm handgun has 18, 9mm pistols have 15. Doesn't matter though because this is HL. :p

Lets be serious, HL's combat is terrible. It just feels generic and so outdated. I don't play HL for its combat, I play it for the story and the characters. I hate to put down HL but it's just a generic FPS with excellent story and superb presentation of its characters.
I think it's actually the only FPS out there with actual innovative gameplay. That is pretty far from generic.
From my point of view, valve's strongest point in the HL series has been the narrative. It is what most people respond to and with good reason. They provide a very good one where as most other games don't bother. And then they added the physgun, which added the ability to use loose environmental objects to their advantage.

However, objectively speaking here, is their standard gameplay without need of improvement? The line of thinking of "thats a waste of time/not worth it" leads to stagnation. There is always stuff you can do to improve variety and add immersion.

Look at what other games are doing or have done. Mirror's Edge has you fully conscious of your body and natural movements as you move around. Crysis let you kill people by choke throwing them off of cliffsides and had on the fly weapon customization, Condemned Criminal Origins features weight and momentum in their melee, COD4 streamlined and polished the hell out of straight up shootouts, chronicles of riddick had you stabbing people with scredrivers in the neck, The Crossing has FPS body animation and player model weapons that penetrate the enemy in their stabbing motions...

there is always something that can be done
Those all fall (for the most part) under the same general banner. It's only my opinion but I find avenues like that lead to the same dead-end stuff. For me, aside from storytelling/characters, Valve's strongest point in the HL Series is the gameplay itself. Whereas the combat is far from exceptional; the gameplay itself constantly innovative and changing.

Sorry I couldn't resist posting that one :p

It just doesn't feel right.

That's because people generally don't have some arm come out of their chest that holds the gun up to their face, like it is portrayed in most games with iron sights, including that modification.

Although some weapons like the USP match which in real life is a .45 caliber pistol, although in HL it is rather nothing like its real life counter part. Please 18 rounds? Not even a high capacity 9mm handgun has 18, 9mm pistols have 15. Doesn't matter though because this is HL. :p

Lets be serious, HL's combat is terrible. It just feels generic and so outdated. I don't play HL for its combat, I play it for the story and the characters. I hate to put down HL but it's just a generic FPS with excellent story and superb presentation of its characters.

The USP Match may fire 9mm, .40, or .45 rounds, and may hold ten, fifteen, or eighteen 9mm rounds in one magazine. Some other magazine capacities are changed though, and I don't even try to understand them. (SPAS-12, six rather than eight, MP7A1, forty five rather than forty or twenty.)

I feel the combat is far from generic. There are several areas that, when you play through the game enough, it won't go down much differently in terms of combat, especially ones that involve semi-choreographed combat between different characters, but the Half-Life series has brought me some of the most enjoyable singleplayer experiences that I have ever had.

I do believe that the crossbow, in response to iron sights now, is the option Valve leaves for slower paced players who prefer to take additional time with their shots.
I agree that it is innovative compared to most FPS out there that just concentrate on simply combat alone as the core gameplay. However since most of each Half-Life games is basically for the most part, spent shooting enemies and less time with the characters. I wish more time was spent with all the characters/cinematic sequences.

We spent alot of time with combat part of the gameplay, than intereacting with characters (White Forest base for instance). I think it wouldn't hurt if there were some minor improvements to the combat.

Calhoun said:
I feel the combat is far from generic. There are several areas that, when you play through the game enough, it won't go down much differently in terms of combat, especially ones that involve semi-choreographed combat between different characters, but the Half-Life series has brought me some of the most enjoyable singleplayer experiences that I have ever had.

I mainly play in HL2 the street war chapters and the Citadel chapters and thats why I say its... generic as far as combat concerned, not the gameplay as a whole though.
I still have alot of fun in those chapters tbh.
While I don't want to see anything from HL2 sacrificed in gunfights, I would certainly like to see how the ironsights would affect the gameplay. It can only enhance things, and most of the weapons look like they are designed for iron sights.
You suck at rickrolling.

Also, iron sights are totally superficial and have no gameplay effect at all unless the developers specifically make you less accurate when you dont right click. I dont think they're needed in any game.
Itd be awsome. Sure as hell would help with aiming. Of the majority of FPS hero's Gordon can barely do a damn thing.No melle, no ironsights, nothing!.
Gordon is a skinny nerd scientist. He can't punch, and he has a crosshair directly linked to his eyeballs.

All of a sudden you can now use your flashlight longer?

If it improved gameplay, and was properly done, the capability to use the sights of your weapons should be implemented and would be implemented. It would be wise for Valve to give it a shot and have them implemented during the testing of the game, to see whether or not they get decent feedback, in the least. A feature that improves gameplay doesn't always make sense.

Valve has probably already tested ironsights. Maybe in the beta, I don't know. It's in DOD:S, which is a game with a similar, but still different feel to half-life 2.

Well, that's just a bad example because the models made by Valve aren't created for ironsights, ya lemon.

So you're suggesting they make new models, too? What, do you want a sniper rifle?

they were added in one of the many versions of smod, and were fun to play with, i don't see why not.

Seriously, hl2's weapon loadout is already showing its age, and has been doing so for a long time. Where other games are exploring different ways of handling weapons, halflife is still stuck in the late 90s mentality.

adding iron sights i think is the least they can do. I mean there are so many immersion adding things that could be done. simulated accuracy systems, weapon specific melees, weapon customization, alternate ammos, loose aiming, bullet penetration, etc. etc.

or maybe just greater range of interaction with the environment.

the floating bodiless guncam with a weapon welded to the bottom right is losing its appeal.
Half-life games are to tell a story. Not to have micro-managing rpg inventory crap.

Firing from the hip is cool. Gordon Freeman = cooler than you.