Should Episode 2 Include Old XEN Creatures?

XEN And / Or Race-X?

  • XEN Aliens In Ep 2.

    Votes: 52 71.2%
  • XEN Aliens AND Race-X in Ep 2.

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • I'd rather see them make an ultimate comeback in Ep 3 or later.

    Votes: 10 13.7%
  • Screw them, never wanna see them again ever.

    Votes: 4 5.5%

  • Total voters


I think it would be so nostalgic and cool if we saw houndeyes, ichies, gargs, bullsquids, maybe even controllers; and it would be even cooler if we saw RACE-X aliens too. I think that would be the most nostalgicly cool thing ever. I'm not too bothered about seeing Voltigores but Shock Troopers battles in the forest and using that electricity gun thing they have would be cool. What do you guys think? Yes... or no?
Race-X are more than likely out of the picture for good. As for more Xen fauna...F*ck yes.
I'd definatly like to see an Itchy in the game, but not so the rest. Bullsquids and Houndeyes looked to cartoony and generic alien to me. Wasn't scared of them one bit. The Itchys scared the hell out of me because they were like sharks and I knew for a fact they ate you and, outside the game, it would be a horribly bloody mess when they get you. The other enemies... woo, shooting bright stuff out of their face at you that takes down your health. No thanks.

The Garg... was he the big bloke with a gun and armour? No to him, if so, then.
Race-X are out of the picture and rightly so. Cheap looking aliens with very little place in the Half-life universe.

I enjoyed the Bullsquid and Houndeye, and wouldn't complain if I saw them again. That said, I'm not wanting to see them back. Sure, if there is a place for them within the game fair enough, but I've seen them, I've fought them, and I'd much rather have something new. If I want nostalgia, I'll simply go play Half-life 1.

Of course, I'd like to see the Ichthyosaur simply because underwater battles scare me shitless.
Yeah we need an underwater enemy, so an ichy is somewhat necessary in EP2 or later. Anyway, I would like to see the return of houndeyes and bullsquids but I would be more excited to see new aliens if possible.
I think it should contain a mix of some old but mainly new Xen lifeforms. I wouldn't cry if the Garg never came back because I believe video games have outgrown the old "Boss-battle's". Yes to bullsquids & Ichthyosaur's & I would like to see alot of new Xenotheric creatures that were not seen in the original Half-Life.
Yeah we need an underwater enemy, so an ichy is somewhat necessary in EP2 or later. Anyway, I would like to see the return of houndeyes and bullsquids but I would be more excited to see new aliens if possible.

Well, it will only be necessary if there are underwater sections.
I'd like to see Valve coming up with an explenation for Race-X.
A few I'd like to see in future titles, if Valve can find a place for them like Samon said, are the Archer, Stuka Bat, Kingpin, Sand Barnacle, and a few others.
How come everone seems to hate OP4 and Race X by the way? lol Just wondering. I'd love to see both make a return, it sorta feels like Halo 2 without the elites when theres no XEN wildlife and creatures 'n' stuff, but still one of my favourite games of all time (Half Life 2). I just think Shock Troppers looked cool 'n' i wanna see some high res versions of them reaking havoc.

As riomhaire said, I want at least an explanation for Race-X but prefferably a lausable return.
Ichy , Sanrks , Bullsquids and Houndeyes , Gargs and alien controllers.

Of course I don't expect them to be in Ep2 but i would like to see them in future games. I don't mind having all the old aliens re-appear , though there should be time, place and reason to have them back.

All considering that Valve adds totally new enemies as well. I'm dying to see the Creamators. They sound awesome and I picture as some what tall. Taller than regular combine troops at least.
I really have no problems with the things from Race X. If anything, I much preferred them to the pathetic Houndeyes and the silly Bullsquids (I use those terms in the sence of what they are and what they do. I don't even remember getting killed let alone majorly hurt by those things. To me, the most striking enemies from HL1 were the headcrabs, zombies, tentacles and barnacles. Those were the things that were cool, scary and fearsome, to me. The others... meh, they were just things I saw that were thrown around levels and corners for you to shoot at, Race X included.
I'd definatly like to see an Itchy in the game, but not so the rest. Bullsquids and Houndeyes looked to cartoony and generic alien to me. Wasn't scared of them one bit. The Itchys scared the hell out of me because they were like sharks and I knew for a fact they ate you and, outside the game, it would be a horribly bloody mess when they get you. The other enemies... woo, shooting bright stuff out of their face at you that takes down your health. No thanks.

The Garg... was he the big bloke with a gun and armour? No to him, if so, then.

Bullsquids scared the crap out of me if they got the jump.

I personally thought the houndeyes were irritating, but I wouldn't mind them getting brought back if they made them more interesting.

Ichthyosaurs, hell yes.

You're telling me you wouldn't like a garg to suddenly charge through a building or wall infront of you, or to see one topple a strider?

Oh, and this is a yes. Xen creatures = win.
Sure, if there is a place for them within the game fair enough
My sentiments exactly. It'd be cool because it kinda works, in that the outskirts/wastelands are supposed to be over-run with Xen wildlife, so in that respect it makes sense. On the other hand, if they aren't there then fair enough - no point in putting them in just for the sake of it.
You're telling me you wouldn't like a garg to suddenly charge through a building or wall infront of you, or to see one topple a strider?.

Thing is, the Gargs looked to... eh, stereotypical cartoon alien to me. Huge armour and a big lazaaar gun... it just looked odd. I think that was what the Garg was, anyway. The only memory I have is on the monorail level when it owns thoughs soldiers.

I guess that now this is, well, now, that through Valve/Steam the Garg would look alotalotalot better than it did then with HL1. So if I was to see a new and improved Garg then I might think different.
Itchy, houndeye and bullsquirt must come back. I wish synth crab will come back as well.
Well, it will only be necessary if there are underwater sections.

Yes of course. There will probably be an underwater section somewhere (a lake in the forest, or a lake in a cave), so it would make sense to place an ichy in one of those places.

The houndeyes and bullsquids aren't a must have for me in EP2(actually I'm hoping for some cool new alien(s) we haven't seen yet), but I agree that we should see them if there is a place for them. Since we're officially going to be in a wasteland we should see wildlife aliens that we haven't encountered yet, possibly other aliens that we never saw in HL1 like the antlions.
Well, forests would be great for Xen wildlife so the time is now! If valve don't make them enemies, at least they may be a "vista". Seeing bullsquids eat a deer from a distance, or a dead gonarch.

BTW, technically there is an explanation for Race-X: Laidlaw said he can't try to include everything Gearbox created to make their game more fun. My English is poor, so I translated it in Google and the translation is: "They're gone for good because Race-X sucks!"
I think the Houndeyes are replaced by the Hunters. The return of the Itchy is a good idea, but harder to implement, the only weapon you could use agains it (underwater) is the 9mm (?what about the crossbow?). Maybe they should include it in some sort of a scene: Combine soldiers crossing a pond or a river through the rubble of a fallen bridge, when suddenly a big fish-like creature jumps from the water taking back down one of!
Hunters can never replace Houndeyes.

Interpreting the cruelty of wilderness via itchy scene is a good idea. Maybe a puzzle with an itchy in it is also feasible. But hell I don't want a direct fight.
Thinking about it, I don't see how there could be a place for the gargantua really. They are so big-ass and invincible that they would most probably head for the citadels to kill people 'n' stuff. So I reckon the Combine probably wiped all or most of them out.
The gargs are not that tough to break through the city walls...
Anyway, it WOULD be cool to at least see one... as for houndeyes, they are quite irrating and their stupid noises (don't even know how to call them) make me nervous... bullsquids were not that bad, and ichy is welcome :cheese:
I want the Tentacle, the Bullsquid and the Ichthyosaur to return. I don’t care about the rest of them.
Gargs are vorts' war machines. They should not exist in Half-Life:2
No more xen creature in HL2. It's moved on. so should you :p

It didn’t move on. Although the Xen creatures aren’t your main enemy in HL2, they still are very important. They still live on earth, especially in the wastelands, and I want to see some of them.
All considering that Valve adds totally new enemies as well. I'm dying to see the Creamators. They sound awesome and I picture as some what tall. Taller than regular combine troops at least.

what the h*** is a creamator? have i missed something?
???... does it have anything to do with the arctic base?
any photos of it?
It has nothing to do with the Arctic Base. Try HL2 Cremator in google image.
ohh damn!! and that is supposed to be in ep. two??!!... i cant wait:D
what the h*** is a creamator? have i missed something?

They were planned to be in original HL2 but they couldn't make it. They were in Raising the Bar book and you can also see the head of a cremator in Eli's lab. (I can see you running Hl2 now)

Edit: Ops, I was late. Samon already told you what is a cremator.
I'd prefer a big comeback in Episode 3, but not like "The Land Before Time 10" comeback style.
Valve is reading us

Thanks to you ! Of course they'll be coming back, do you know why ? Even if they had their own ideas before, Valve has so many interest in fans' opinion they read all Hl2net polls, and take count of them. Valve rules...
Well I hope they happen to skip the poll results where people aren't bothered about Race-X because as long as they are in the story for a reason then i wouild love to see them again. And I would like a good explanation for them as well :p
Yeah, I'd be happier if they were back with a good explanaination than not at all. But i'd be unhappy if they were back with a crap explanation.