Should games publishers start making games available on DVD???

Should games publishers start making games available on DVD???

  • Yes i've has a DVD drive for ages and its about bloody time!

    Votes: 39 76.5%
  • I have a DVD drive but i dont think they should switch just yet.

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • I dont have a DVD drive as of yet but i intend to buy one so yes they should!

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • I dont have a DVD drive and do not intend to buy one/cant afford one so no they shouldnt!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • uuuum..... Wibble... O_o

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters


May 9, 2003
Reaction score
I just bought Knights of The Old Republic for the PC and im currently in the middle of installing the game. I know Kotor is a large game but What suprises me is that the game actually comes on 4 install discs! What i want to know is hould games publishers start making games available on DVD instead of the CD format? To me 4 discs seems an awful waste of plastic...
YEY DVD, no more annoying

"Please insert CD 28 and press 'Continue'", recent games have been so bad that it took me back to the days of yore when games came on 25 diskettes. /reminises, cries
Anyone who doesn't have a DvD drive should upgrade, there not only used for movies ya'know!!

The whole 3 or 4 cd's while you're installing a really big game gets old.
well, they should make the switch for games that are 3 CDs or more, but you know they'd probably try to charge a premium for the DVD versions.. but i'm guessing the games are only going to get larger, so it's inevitable i s'pose. when's blueray comin'?
At the moment, publishers should do both DVD's and CD's, because unfortunately (and bizzarely) not everyone has a DVD player on their computer. Maybe a few years down the line when just about everyone will have one, they should be releasing games only as DVD format.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
yes they should... but only as an option....

What gripes me is that the vast majority of games are still published on CD only format anyhow...
YES GAMES SHOULD COME ON DVD! I bought the game XIII and it's 4 CD's. :eek:
Originally posted by Kschreck
YES GAMES SHOULD COME ON DVD! I bought the game XIII and it's 4 CD's. :eek:

Yeah I know its stupid.

But I have a game that HAD to be released on DVD...Metal Gear Solid: Substance. It takes up 7-10 gig of HDD space, imagine that on cds :)
Yes they should start releasing games on DVD. Maybe then i'll finally be able to make use of the one on my computer.
If you have a DVD drive can it still run CDROMs as well?
I was thinking exactly the same thing last Saturday while installing XIII.

Yes, games should be available on DVD. And surely it wouldn't cost the manufacturers too much to do btoh DVD and CD-ROM?
YES!!! About frikkin' time!!!!!!

What bothers me the most is that there are still people who buys their uber-l33t NASA gaming computer BUT leaves out the DVD-player! JEEBUS! What's the bloody point in that? DVD-players and CD-players cost pretty much the same nowadays, so the price shouldn't be a problem.
CD's are very much out dated now, even though they are still in common use.

We have mini disc's, DVD's and small storage devises, like those found inside my mp3 player (Its not a harddrive by the way)

Casette tapes are used a lot today, but you can bet pretty much everything thats done on tape, is on another medium.

Anyway, yes they should do games on DVD, but i they should obviously keep doing CD's for a good few years.

Does anyone else think it would have been great if CD's were in a little case like Mini Discs? Oh how many games have i lost to scratches...

They do film on DVD now, so should games.
My theory is, anyone without a DVD drive in their computer probably can't run the game they will want to play in the future anyways..

I say make them DVD's! If they do start making DVD's it mght give the game companies more of an opportunity to add some special features if they have room left over.
Originally posted by Baal
I say make them DVD's! If they do start making DVD's it mght give the game companies more of an opportunity to add some special features if they have room left over.

They said that about DVD movies, but still the majority out there have little more than the original trailer and maybe a few bio's, some don't even have that :(. Only a handfull have anything really interesting, like Spiderman, SW:EPII, LotR's DVD's.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
They said that about DVD movies, but still the majority out there have little more than the original trailer and maybe a few bio's, some don't even have that :(. Only a handfull have anything really interesting, like Spiderman, SW:EPII, LotR's DVD's.
now i'm no expert, but i own all of a grand total of 22 DVDs, and 19 of those have 'special features' beyond a trailer (yeah, on is LotR).
Originally posted by Sn7
Anyone who doesn't have a DvD drive should upgrade, there not only used for movies ya'know!!

The whole 3 or 4 cd's while you're installing a really big game gets old.

when they start making games on dvds....ill buy a dvd drive.....untill then....

thats 50-150$ ill keep in my pocket.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
when they start making games on dvds....ill buy a dvd drive.....untill then....

thats 50-150$ ill keep in my pocket.

u can get good drives for like 25-30..and u'll have to spend the money anyway ;) so what's the point in waiting?
Originally posted by Echelon
u can get good drives for like 25-30..and u'll have to spend the money anyway ;) so what's the point in waiting?

ummm.....i have NO use for a dvd drive.........i wouldnt get just a reader anyway.....i would only buy a writer that supports ALL formats....and thats 100$+ atleast.

the point in waiting is that i dont need not rich...i dont have money to spend on stuff i have no use for.

im not going to buy a BMW now when i couldnt even afford to drive it anyway....just so i might be able to use it a few years down the road ...when i have the money to pay for insurance, gas and maintanence.

to me a theres nothing a dvd drive can do that my cdrw cant.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
But dont those few make it all worth it?

only if you happen to like those few films that make full use of the new media. With many though their just lazy in not adding extra's, I mean, they've no reason not to these days. I can see some games benefiting from the DVD format, Baldur's gate, Blade Runner, to name a couple that would make use of all the extra space, the rest would be no different than a CD, only they would cost more to duplicate and have nothing different on them that they wouldn't have on CD, only people would have to pay more.
Well I have to say that buying a DVD-rom drive doesnt really make sense now. You should get a DVD-writer instead. I think they can be as cheap as $100 - $150, and a bit more for the dual format ones.

So if you have the cash, get one of those instead.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Well I have to say that buying a DVD-rom drive doesnt really make sense now. You should get a DVD-writer instead. I think they can be as cheap as $100 - $150, and a bit more for the dual format ones.

So if you have the cash, get one of those instead.

yeah, if i do get one it'll be a writer. Saying that if this new DVD format is coming along soon it might be an expensive mistake for games to only now embrace DVD, might be better to wait for the next one and see how that works out
Originally posted by Fenric1138
only if you happen to like those few films that make full use of the new media. With many though their just lazy in not adding extra's, I mean, they've no reason not to these days. I can see some games benefiting from the DVD format, Baldur's gate, Blade Runner, to name a couple that would make use of all the extra space, the rest would be no different than a CD, only they would cost more to duplicate and have nothing different on them that they wouldn't have on CD, only people would have to pay more.

i look forward to it actaully........ games like diablo 2 really agrivated me during install....having to switch around the cd's 47 times...

face it games are getting alot bigger.......

i remember a few years ago 25mb was a huge game......and before that 2-3mb was enormous

and not long ago 5-600MB was games can take up 1-4GB
tommarow they will be bigger.....

the thing with dvds being more expensive has always been true....

newer tech is more expensive......but over time as stuff becomes mature and becomes less expensive....

we dont pay anymore now than we did for disk games really....
now we just have alot more games...with bigger fancier packaging...
You can get Balders gate on DVD now (been like that for some time if I recall) in the UK. I agree that it is about time that games started shipping in CD and DVD flavours, given the size of some of them nowadays. I'm hoping that HL2 is DVD. I really hate changing CDs in the middle of things.
Just dropping by...

I'd like to say that I'm upgrading my PC round about now, and it doesn't have a DVD drive, unfortunatly... but I want to buy one after Christmas.. when I have the money ;)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Just dropping by...

I'd like to say that I'm upgrading my PC round about now, and it doesn't have a DVD drive, unfortunatly... but I want to buy one after Christmas.. when I have the money ;)

DVD drives aren't that expensive are they?

and why are you here, go away :cheese:
I think a lot of people are holding out for the price of DVD writers to drop to an acceptable level before upgrading. I opted to get a DVD drive ages back so I could watch films through the PC. DVD drives are way cheaper than DVD players, and I got a free Decoder with my Graphic Card. When the Writers drop to a respectable level, I'll probably upgrade though.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
I think a lot of people are holding out for the price of DVD writers to drop to an acceptable level before upgrading. I opted to get a DVD drive ages back so I could watch films through the PC. DVD drives are way cheaper than DVD players, and I got a free Decoder with my Graphic Card. When the Writers drop to a respectable level, I'll probably upgrade though.

I think DVD writers are already priced at acceptable levels. The reason I'm not buying one yet is because there is too much confusion with the formats and compatability. However I hear soon there will be a new format which will allow to fit just about as much data as a commercial DVD holds. So I might just wait a few more years for that (I have a DVD-rom right now).
I think only big games should come on the DVD or CD choice...

...Like the next unreal tournament....thats like 8 cd's isnt it? and takes up 8 giga bites...that might be wrong, so correct me if it is:D

With DVD's the number of disks will go down, and the time to install, Console's have embraced the DVD format, with most X-Box and PS2 games on DVD disks, which makes for more content and faster loads.

They should approach it like movies did with DVD's, just afew games coming out on DVD, to see how they will be accepted...must be good games though, like Doom 3 and Half-life 2..both with the option of DVD or CD versions...if it goes well, then they should work to make all games DVD or CD. If not, then just keep making games on CD's until the market is ready.