Should I be worried?(this is a long read)


Jul 7, 2003
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Ok.........I've been going to the chiropracter for about a month now for this bump on my wrist. Its called a ganglian cyst(sp?) or somthing like that. Anyway......what they do to get rid of it is use this ultrasound thing on it.....and its not the ultrasound you might thing of, the kind to look at stuff. Its just a paddle that, i guess you could say vibrates, but at the point of being ultrasound. They put some of that goo on it so it can move around without any friction on your skin and so it dosnt burn you. It can get kinda hot.
Anyway........what the ultrasound dose is break up the cyst. Some times when its really really getting broken up it starts to hurt pretty through the bone....the lady doing it though said thats normal.........
But here's the part I'm worried about..........this time it hurt like hell......I could say stop if I wanted but it wasn't really that bad. So the nurse lady finished and the doctor was gonna come in and do all the adjusments and stuff (those kick ass :) ) But after she left I started feeling I was gonna pass out. I've had this kinda feeling before and I've passed out before. Its that feeling when you feel like you can't hold yourself up, and you can't see anything, like your eyes are open, but your vision starts getting all blotchy with white and then darkness.

All of this I was use to.

The thing didn't go away right away like it always did. I don't know how long it was...mabie like 3 minutes when its usually about 10 seconds. By the time it got better and the docter came in I was compleatly wet with sweat. I told him that I sorta almost passed out and he asked me if I had eatn' (it was 2:00) and I hadn't, but that was normal.......I just don't eat much.
So like, for half an hour after that my ears were ringing and I had a headach.

So here's my question to all of you............should I be freaked out? My mom said somthing about a blood clot, but I dont think that could happen from a cyst.

So yeah....should I be in the hospital right now or what?
Oh boy, that doesn't sound good Fender :(
If I were you I wouldn't be asking us forum members about this, I'd be asking a doctor.
Good luck mate, I hope it isn't anything too serious.
Just tell the doctor about your symptoms all the time, and tell him you've had them several times after your treatments. If he's not very concerned about it, I wouldn't worry about it.

(but just make sure you eat something before you do that, even if it's a small snack... see if it makes a difference)
Fender357 said:
Ok.........I've been going to the chiropracter for about a month now for this bump on my wrist. Its called a ganglian cyst(sp?) or somthing like that. Anyway......what they do to get rid of it is use this ultrasound thing on it.....and its not the ultrasound you might thing of, the kind to look at stuff. Its just a paddle that, i guess you could say vibrates, but at the point of being ultrasound. They put some of that goo on it so it can move around without any friction on your skin and so it dosnt burn you. It can get kinda hot.
Anyway........what the ultrasound dose is break up the cyst. Some times when its really really getting broken up it starts to hurt pretty through the bone....the lady doing it though said thats normal.........
But here's the part I'm worried about..........this time it hurt like hell......I could say stop if I wanted but it wasn't really that bad. So the nurse lady finished and the doctor was gonna come in and do all the adjusments and stuff (those kick ass :) ) But after she left I started feeling I was gonna pass out. I've had this kinda feeling before and I've passed out before. Its that feeling when you feel like you can't hold yourself up, and you can't see anything, like your eyes are open, but your vision starts getting all blotchy with white and then darkness.

All of this I was use to.

The thing didn't go away right away like it always did. I don't know how long it was...mabie like 3 minutes when its usually about 10 seconds. By the time it got better and the docter came in I was compleatly wet with sweat. I told him that I sorta almost passed out and he asked me if I had eatn' (it was 2:00) and I hadn't, but that was normal.......I just don't eat much.
So like, for half an hour after that my ears were ringing and I had a headach.

So here's my question to all of you............should I be freaked out? My mom said somthing about a blood clot, but I dont think that could happen from a cyst.

So yeah....should I be in the hospital right now or what?

Maybe your just afraid of vibrators... i mean ultra sounds. any how you'll be fine. Hell if you die ill pay for ur funeral :) (not rly but its the thought that counts) any how have you been feeling better?
Uh-oh. I've seen this sort of thing before. Fender, my advice is to say goobye to your friends, family, and all those that you love. Then you should commit suicide - it'll be easier. Believe me, you have all the symptoms of what I call 'high-frequency tissue breakup. It ain't pretty.

Sorry, I couldn't help it. Okay, seriously. You need to see a doctor cos that does not sound good to me. :-/
synth said:
Just tell the doctor about your symptoms all the time, and tell him you've had them several times after your treatments. If he's not very concerned about it, I wouldn't worry about it.

(but just make sure you eat something before you do that, even if it's a small snack... see if it makes a difference)

This is the only time I've had this happen after the treatment. I ment from like years ago when I had different problems, sometimes I would pass out. So I know what it feels like.
When I told him about it he said there's no reason the treatment would make me feel like that. And yeah, I do feel better now. A little tired...............................................but the stuff I'd been doing earlier could have had somthing to do with it ....(lots o sex) .........but again........thats normal.

{edit} even if I was really tired, I've been really tired before and never had somthing like this happen............(exept that time when I was 10 and I passed out in the shower and hit my head.....but that was different!) This was like all of a sudden....out of nowhere. The only thing I could posibly posibly think if is like, when someone feels so much pain they just pass out. But for some reason today my tolerance was super low, and it didn't take affect till just afterword........I don't know....{/edit}
Well, not eating could be the problem. Sometimes I don't eat until 7 PM and by that time I'm in a pretty bad shape.

Also, did you get enough sleep? If you sleep less then 5 hours a day I suggest a cup of coffee in the morning or you will start falling asleep everywhere.
LoneDeranger said:
Well, not eating could be the problem. Sometimes I don't eat until 7 PM and by that time I'm in a pretty bad shape.

Also, did you get enough sleep? If you sleep less then 5 hours a day I suggest a cup of coffee in the morning or you will start falling asleep everywhere.

Oh yeah.....I'd been up pretty late last to bed at 3 and woke up at 8. So mabie it was a mix of sleepiness.....hunger......and tons of pain.
High-Frequency Tissue Breakup. It's always the same.
Eat more!
Sulkdodds is teh mean~

Anyhow, I'd suggest what synth suggested.. if that doesn't work, go see your physician?
if i were you, id lay off any hardcore computer use or gaming, and take the wrist really easy. unfortunately that (might) leave masturbation out of the question so your outta luck there. seriously though, maybe put ice or something on it, but id leave it alone.

soaking it in really warm water might do the trick too :) that always helped when i sprained the muscle in my ankle.
I'm no doctor but it doesn't sound too serious to me. You should probably just take it easy for few days gets some sleep and be sure to eat a little more and I think you'll be fine. If you still feel pretty crummy in after two days or so then maybe go and see the doctor. Probably should have someone else drive you though, don't want to pass out on the road. :x
Cysts arnt dangerous. I get them all the time. Most of the time they go away by themselves. I had one on my wrist like you. One day I tripped over some stuff in the hall and slammed it againt the wall really hard. It hurt for a second but then deflated and has not returned. My doctor said that they used to just hit them with a bible (biggest book around).

As for the dizzyness, that kind of sounds like a minor stroke, even more so if it happened after a chiropractors adjustment. Get an MRI to see if any of your brain is lesioned, that will tell you for sure.
Actually using my pc isn't what gave me the cyst. I've had it for a couple of years now from playing guitar. It got so bad that I couldn't play anymore and I just recently started going to the chiropracter for it. It dosn't hurt anymore and its almost gone.
And yeah, ductonius....when I first noticed it I asked my teachers and they said they use to call them "Bible Thumpers". That would hurt like hell.... and the dizzyness didn't happen after the chiropractor adjustment, it was before. Just right after the ultrasound treatment.
If I had a stroke I'm gonna be so pissed. Odd thing though....I didnt actually pass out, I just got close..and stayed there for a couple of minutes :( .

And on the subject of eating more................I eat very rarely.......I dont know why....I just dont get hungry very much. If I am hungry I'll eat till I'm not. And I weight like 160.......I use to be 150 like a month ago.......and I usually dont gain or lose weight like that. Mabie I screwed up my metablisam or somthin'. I am like 6' 3" though. Really skinny too.
yeah eat man, if it was real painful and then you sorta blacked out... sounds like you were in shock. i had the same experience about ... 3 weeks ago when i was goin up snowboarding and i dislocated my shoulder... it didn't necessarily hurt all that much but afterwards i was dizzy and my vision was kinda cloudy(going towards dark) and i wanted to throw up ... all for about half an hour or more... not eating probably really wouldn't help that. BUT you should definitely see a physician about this. it is probably not be a big deal, but it never hurts to ask anyways.

(btw i didn't hurt myself snowboarding, it was on the way up, i tripped over a curb at a gas station, and fell and my arm was locked straight, and voila! dislocated shoulder lol my friends still give me shit about that haha) least you can sorta just say....." I got hurt when I was up snowboarding" ....and not my........" uh.....I got ultrasound poisoning......or I didn't eat....I dont know...where am I?"