Should I drop the class?


Jul 1, 2004
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One week left in the semester, I've got a research paper that I don't want to do to finish this class. I don't need the class for the major I'm transferring into my next college so I wouldn't get credits for it. The most it can do is affect my GPA, I've got an A in it so far but I don't trust this research paper to help me :-\

And did I mention I really don't want to do this paper?

Seriously tempted to drop it :-\
You've got one week for a class and you want to drop it and waste all the other time?
Just take it, finish it. 1 week isn't bad
You've got one week for a class and you want to drop it and waste all the other time?
Just take it, finish it. 1 week isn't bad
No matter what I do at this point the whole class will be wasted because the credits won't transfer.
Just don't do the research paper. There's no point in dropping the course now, but if you just don't show up, they'll give you a zero on the paper and then give you an end-of-course mark.
If it's going to be completely pointless, then drop. But think of it as a personal test to do it, honestly. See if you can just stick it for one more week. If anything, you should feel better about yourself.
Or you could do a half assed job on the paper, still get some points for it, then at the end your grade will probably average out to a B or C or whatever, then you got something to fall back on if everything screws up.
Do the paper, pass the class. Do not affect your transcript with a 'F' or 'NP' grade. It will affect you regardless.
Not a bad thing to have an other A on your transcript, and its alot better to have an A instead of a big fat F on it (or other letters). Just do it, cant be that hard, it will just make things look better and also make you feel better about urself afterwards. If your capable of having top notch grades then why not do it?
I never understood how people could just quit like this. You already signed up for it, paid for it, spent almost a whole semester of your life on it, and now you'll just stop when your so close?

I guess it was the way i was brought up. My parents always told me to finish what i started, and to never quit on something I said I was going to do. But still, why in the world would you be OK with failing a class instead of passing with neigh perfect marks? Its just one week, papers arnt that difficult to do, and even if you half ass it, you will probably get a passing grade on it.

Also, employers look at you educational record. If they see you drop out when things get tough in class or something then they'll make note.
The school will judge you for it.

"Oh? He dropped the class right when the teacher assigned a research paper?... Hmmm..."
Suck it up, do the paper, and finish the class.
Okay, seriously, if one were going to drop out, they should drink something other than whiskey. I equate drinking whiskey to be on the same taste level as licking a 19th century Old West mountaineer's rancid ass. A real man would drink straight rum all day. Rum hurts like whiskey, kicks like vodka, AND it makes you a pirate.
Meh, I'm going to finish, it's just a pain in the ass doubled by the fact that it's never going to actually help me. I couldn't care less about the development of greek theatre. And sources are damn hard to find.

Sick of school.