Should I get a DSi XL or wait for the 3DS?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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Okay, so I am about to head out on a trip for one week, I have no PSP games that interests me anymore, but several DS games.

My question is to the Nintendo fans on here: Would you say it's worth buying a DSi XL now so that I can have gaming on the trip, or should I wait for the 3DS to come out and buy that instead?
You probably have 30 days to return it. Dunno if you'd want to take your chances after playing it and potentially pay restocking fees or whatever when returning it.
How long is your trip? It's holiday season, so a lot of shops have an extended 90 day return policy... Dunno if you'd be able to get away with that though.

I don't think we have those policies over here, it's a week, I'm going to a boarding school for a trial week, need something to occupy me when I'm not studying.
I would wait. But the more you wait, the more you wait. It could be expensive when it comes out and you may put it off, you see. Often, you end up just losing interest with a strategy like mine. Because by the time something comes down in price, it's longer relevant, at least to some extent.

Of course, waiting also has the advantage of getting the updated/fixed/improved versions. Not only at a better price, but software is cheaper too, plus better and more software to choose from.
Yea, sorry I didn't read your post in full (In my defense, it's 5am here and I've been studying Spanish the past 7 hours). I just ninja edited while you made that post.

I'd wait for the 3DS. If you have a laptop you can take, get an emulator.
VT2, you make good points, I have had that happen to me too, I decide to wait for something to drop in price, then a newer version comes out and I want that and I decide to wait for it to drop in price and the cycle repeats.

Sixteenth, sadly the game I want to play the most has compatibility issues with the DS emus, and the laptop my family has is my mothers and she needs it for her job.
Wait, it'll make it all the sweeter :)
I'm sorry guys, I caved in and got a DSi XL.

I'm justifying it by saying it's an early Christmas present from me to me!

I bought Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest IX and Infinite Space as well.

This will be the first time in several years that I play JRPGs.:p
I would have waited, but that said those are 3 of the best games out there...for any system. By the time you have time for any new games the 3DS should have had a few price drops. :P
Wait wait wait wait wait for god sakes. You should have waited you fool!
Buy the 3DS after the first price drop, and presumably next Xmas is probably when you'll see one. and by then the used 3D games will be cheaper, the system will have tested to the extreme with tons of reviews out there and its better to wait on new hardware.
Wait wait wait wait wait for god sakes. You should have waited you fool!

I know I should wait but I badly want to have something to play when I am at this school or I will most likely go crazy and kill everyone.

Good advice Warped, I also guess by the next December there will also be more good 3DS exclusives out than when it first comes out.

Not to mention I can probably sell this or give it away as a xmas present to some friend.:p
Don't buy a DS! The 3DS is actually going to have decent third party support! There so few good third party games on the DS but Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Metal Gear Solid is already confirmed for the 3DS. If it keeps up the 3DS will be the return of serious third party games to Nintendo.

I know, those are the reasons I wanted to wait, but it's too late now, I have it in my hands and I can't let it go!:p
Well I guess you could always trade it in when the 3DS comes out...
No, I'd say there are a decent amount.
Seconded. There are a SHIT-TON of great third party games out for the DS. I would argue there are more and better third party than first party really. Oh, another reason for waiting is that Level-5 has switched some of their in-dev titles for the DS over to the 3DS. :)
I'm sorry guys, I caved in and got a DSi XL.

I'm justifying it by saying it's an early Christmas present from me to me!

I bought Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest IX and Infinite Space as well.

This will be the first time in several years that I play JRPGs.:p
That game is terrible.

Get Golden Sun next week.
I'm back from the school, have had great fun playing Infinite Space and Dragon Quest IX, still haven't beaten any of them though!

Really happy with my purchase at least!