Show your HDR pictures!


Dec 7, 2004
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You need photoshop CS2 or another program to do it. I just made one today, my first one. I didn't have the best lighting to really show off HDR, but I just wanted to make one.

You take three pictures of the same things, using different exposures so you get a bright/normal/dark image. Then you can combine them in photoshop using the File>Automate>Merge to HDR command.




Final Product:

Here's a MUCH better one:
I don't see the awesome in HRD pictures.. I think the HDR and the light one is very alike.
cant really tell the difference.....
sorry to rain on your parade.....maybe try again?

Look in the dark picture and notice how you can't even see the vents in the bottom of my bumper, or the tread on my tire. Then look at the light picture and notice how you can't see tones in the sky (the sky just looks white, there's no blue).

Then look at the HDR image and you can clearly see the tread on the tire and the vents in my bumper (dark areas) and you can see the blue and white of the sky (light areas).

I'll admit it's not the best place to try and show off HDR, but I can still tell a difference.

edit: These all look better, just gotta find the right time of day.



That really is a neat effect. Everything has the same light level. Almost makes it look like a drawing.
In the 2nd pic it looks like the car has been pasted in. Neato, but I still don't like HDR tbh.
This doesn't really have much to do with HDR in games other than the fact that it involves light...
what exactly is it about this that's supposed to be cool.. it's an unsual effect sure, but the little feeling of depth that cameras give is completely erased, everything's oversaturated and there's hardly any darks at all

high dynamic range? how about no dynamic range.. looking at an image like this is the visual equalivent being shouted at, there's no subtletly or composition, no center of attention that attracts the eye. it's like a childrens show

xcellerate your final pic looks miles better than the other examples you posted. you could add some contrast to reduce the grey, that's the thing about having sensical exposure settings, high exposure removes color in shadows which these HDR things show. lower exposure adds more of a blue nature depending on the nature of the light source, making the image more attractive. if you compare your middle pic to your final pic the middle one has slightly green hue in the shadows, it's the best of the 4 pics imho.

also the examples you posted are ridiculously overprocessed with sharpening and saturating
I prefer the use of HDR in 3d animation. HDR probes can make beautiful things in 3d, when used right.
I just tried this but found that you cannot move the camera at all.

Wouldn't happen to have that one in 1680x1050? it's damn sweet ;D
I just tried this but found that you cannot move the camera at all.

yea, you have to have a tripod, and lock everything down super-tight, and use like a 2 second timer so you pressing the button won't jiggle the camera.
It looks like it automatically sort of "flattens" the lighting, which is an interesting effect. Have you tried doing the composite manually, choosing what areas you want to have the focus and making them brighter than the areas you want less obvious? Or to fine tune things that needed a faster transition between the images than the automatic one did?

For example, for the shot in the first post, the car should have been almost completely from the light shot, but it ended up looking grey because of the compositing. Also, the treeline definately needed the color information from the lighter two images, which the automatic processing seemed to do well, but the sky should have gone completely to the darkest picture as soon as possible, but the automatic processing did the fade more gradually, so the sky around the treeline is still overexposed in the composite.

I really like the flowers, btw.
Everything is so clean.. Looks like a nice area.

As for the HDR-ness, makes it look like a video game sorta. Especially the second shot.
I thought the same about the video game resemblance. The building on the center looks CG.
And that tower looks so much ****ing like a video game like HL2 with those lights on it.

My god.
I guess you can kind of call this "HDR" or whatever....

Nice...I think (well I'm kinda blinded so it must be true!)
I just like how it's the middle of the night and it's like it's bright outside..besides the blinding lamps :P

if you did the "merge HDR" thing in photoshop, you can adjust the brightness right before you click the "okay" button. It's a little slider bar right below the "cancel" button, this way the lights aren't stupidly bright.
if you did the "merge HDR" thing in photoshop, you can adjust the brightness right before you click the "okay" button. It's a little slider bar right below the "cancel" button, this way the lights aren't stupidly bright.

This was my intention. I set my shudder to 15 yeah. :P

I still have to reinstall fkn photoshop damnit!