
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
blue.comradebadger killed Player with tau cannon
Player: sigh, another hack
blue.comradebadger: hack?
blue.comradebadger killed Player with shotgun
Player: yes
SaMeTHoR killed self with worldspawn
blue.comradebadger: how?
Player: a hack
blue.comradebadger: how do i hack?
SaMeTHoR: yea?
Player: you know better t han me

blue.comradebadger: i mean why am i a hacker?
blue.comradebadger killed SaMeTHoR with tau cannon
Player: it's obvious
blue.comradebadger: ?
blue.comradebadger killed Player with grenade
SaMeTHoR: hes just good
Player: see?
Player: sorry
blue.comradebadger: so i killed you?
Player: sorry - you're not good
Player: you're a hacker
blue.comradebadger: ?
blue.comradebadger: so, what hacks do you think i have?
Player: it's very easy to in this game
SaMeTHoR: i killed kim ones
SaMeTHoR: him
Player: hackers can be killed
SaMeTHoR: they have auto aim?
Player: yes
Player: auto
blue.comradebadger: why do i miss then?
Player: you don't
Player: taht's my point
Player: no matter where I am
Shephard has joined the game
blue.comradebadger: i do
SaMeTHoR killed Shephard with tripmine
Player: dude, stfu - you're ahakcer period
SaMeTHoR: yea he missed me
blue.comradebadger killed SaMeTHoR with grenade
blue.comradebadger: haha
blue.comradebadger killed Player with grenade
SaMeTHoR: lollol
blue.comradebadger: i had 100 armour
blue.comradebadger killed SaMeTHoR with tau cannon
SaMeTHoR: lol
Player killed self with grenade
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
Player killed SaMeTHoR with grenade
SaMeTHoR: ???
blue.comradebadger killed Player with tau cannon
blue.comradebadger killed SaMeTHoR with 9mmAR
Player: my hero
blue.comradebadger: lol
SaMeTHoR: lol
Player: go play with fags like you
blue.comradebadger: you move in straight lines
SaMeTHoR: ok bye
SaMeTHoR killed Shephard with tripmine
Shephard dropped
SaMeTHoR dropped
- Shephard has left the game
- SaMeTHoR has left the game
Player: go play with ahckers like yourslef - why waste your time with newbs like us, right?
Player: ****in fag
blue.comradebadger: im not a hcaker
blue.comradebadger: and btw.. do you play many Valve games on steam?
Player: you must suck against other hackers, huh?
blue.comradebadger killed Player with tau cannon
blue.comradebadger killed Sh3rlok with tau cannon
Player: lol
blue.comradebadger: well, do you?
Player: nice hack
blue.comradebadger killed Sh3rlok with crowbar
Player: i play cs and cs source - and i'd rock you in those - guaranteed, unless you

blue.comradebadger: well
blue.comradebadger: you won't be playing those anymore :)
Player: these cartoon games are bs just like you
Player: and why is that?
blue.comradebadger: do you know
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
Player: i'd like to see you do so well in hl2 or cs
blue.comradebadger: funny how i play HL2CCL in HL2
Player: without the laser and the jump
Player: I dare you to drop the laser and not use the jump
blue.comradebadger: ok
blue.comradebadger: dropp
blue.comradebadger: *dropped
Player: so he starts to snipe
Player: typical
blue.comradebadger: lol
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
(TEAM) blue.comradebadg

blue.comradebadger: :)
blue.comradebadger: come fight me then
blue.comradebadger killed Player with grenade
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
Player killed Sh3rlok with snark
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
blue.comradebadger killed Sh3rlok with crossbow
blue.comradebadger: still here cocknose?
Player killed blue.comradebadger with grenade
blue.comradebadger killed Player with grenade
blue.comradebadger: heh
Player: hcker
blue.comradebadger: hahahaha
Player: fag hacker, plain and simple
blue.comradebadger: why are you still playing?
blue.comradebadger killed Player with rpg_rocket
Player: you won't change my outlook
blue.comradebadger: not trying to

blue.comradebadger: admit what?
Player: i'd like to hear just one of you fags admit it just once
blue.comradebadger: im not a hacker , for the last time
Player: you're a liar piece o shit too
blue.comradebadger: you know what
blue.comradebadger: post a thread at this server's support forum
blue.comradebadger: and tell the world i hack
Player: lol - i don't care that much, you loser ****
Player: get a damn life
blue.comradebadger: got one, thanks
Player: nah
Player: this is all you do
Player: if you don't hack - this is your life
Player: lol
Player: pathetic
blue.comradebadger: sure
Player: get good at a real game
blue.comradebadger: define real game?

Player: this game is a ****in cartoon
blue.comradebadger: ?
blue.comradebadger: so its not ****ing CS?
Player: get good at cs or cs source and I'll be impressed
blue.comradebadger: been there, got bored
blue.comradebadger: no speed
Player killed Sh3rlok with shock_beam
(TEAM) blue.comradebadger: recharging...
blue.comradebadger killed Player with tau cannon
Player: see
blue.comradebadger: tS?
Player: you can't do it
blue.comradebadger: i can
Player: you're such a ****head
blue.comradebadger: sure
Player: can't gop without jump or the laser
blue.comradebadger: i did
blue.comradebadger: i killed you what, 3 times without

Player: nope
blue.comradebadger: does it matter?
blue.comradebadger: i play other games too
Player: the moral of the story is: get a dman life, play a real game and go **** yourself - have fun with the bot, you ****
Player dropped
- Player has left the game
blue.comradebadger: sure, will do
<[pH]BootyCall> lmao
<[pH]BootyCall> look what you did!
blue.comradebadger: :D

aw how could you Badger, you put a guy off hldm for life. how very rude of you. :)
Which game was it? UT2004?

EDIT: Which hl2:dm has tao gun?

Anyways, good to see you can handle the n00bs. ;)

Player: go play with ahckers like yourslef - why waste your time with newbs like us, right?
Player: ****in fag
blue.comradebadger: im not a hcaker
blue.comradebadger: and btw.. do you play many Valve games on steam?
Player: you must suck against other hackers, huh?
blue.comradebadger killed Player with tau cannon

This was Opposing Force DM - I just dropped by to have some fun (I can be found on AG most days now - better competition)

Funny no?
Hehehe, you get that alot, don't you? :p

I've stopped playing OP4DM, no one except you and a couple of others play it anymore, though it was fun. The good old days :)

But once AG2 is out, I'm in for some real bootyslapping again ;), will be interesting to see what humiliating ways you frag me in this time. :D
I always knew you were a hacker *rolls eyes* :).
CrazyHarij said:
Hehehe, you get that alot, don't you? :p

I've stopped playing OP4DM, no one except you and a couple of others play it anymore, though it was fun. The good old days :)

But once AG2 is out, I'm in for some real bootyslapping again ;), will be interesting to see what humiliating ways you frag me in this time. :D
Yeah there's still a few elite bouncing around Op4 - but AG is more fun to me - smoooth bunnyhop :D
Badger you hackah!:O
I'll report you to Valve and get your Steam account shut down!
What does AG stand for again?
BTW: you can really keep you're cool badger.
ComradeBadger said:
This was Opposing Force DM - I just dropped by to have some fun (I can be found on AG most days now - better competition)

Funny no?

You butthead, you make it so no newbs join there, I want to be called a hacker! :frown: BUT had to ruin it. BAN!!!

I'ma go cry.
I really hate people like that. Of course I've never played good enough to be accused myself...but I remember one time in CS some guy kept calling the top player (who wasn't a hacker but was very good) a hacker. After a while he ended up saying every single person who killed him was a hacker. He was much like that guy you encountered only with more weak insults and indignant rage. So the admin says "what do you thnk we should do to Night Ranger? Do you think we should punish him for his attitude?" Everybody votes yes.

Night Ranger has time to scream "OMG YOUR ALL A LOAD OF ****ING FAGS" before he explodes in a shower of gore and is kicked from the server.


You showed that guy, Badger.
See...I don't have probelms with guys like that, because I'm no good.
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah there's still a few elite bouncing around Op4 - but AG is more fun to me - smoooth bunnyhop :D
Why thank you ;)
And you should have told me as soon as he was on, I wanted to come and call you a hacker too! Y'big hacker. :p

What I don't understand is why he's accusing you of "hacking" when he's called "Player".. unless you changed it of course ;)

Anyway, if not, then he's obviously just bought the game... Should have got his CSS username and I would have kicked his ass.

EDIT: Oh wait, I know his CSS username: Player... Obviously. How stupid of me.
Thing is, Player isn't the default nick.. Shephard is.. so he was fakenicking :p
If I think someone is hacking I just leave. No joy in playing. I wont argue I just leave.

Therefor if they really arn't hacking you arn't yelling at him for no reason. If he his well rather than arguging with him you can go and have fun where you think nobody is hacking.
ComradeBadger said:
Thing is, Player isn't the default nick.. Shephard is.. so he was fakenicking :p

It was me, I confess......


welcome to the club of hackers :p

I hack cs1.6 3Hours/7
I got called hacker myself yesterday when playing CS:S.

At least the strange, sad little idiot will be mortified if he ever bothers to join this forum.

It's your own fault, you know, for being so stupidly good. Lose every once in a while! :p
Heh, what a tool. I like how he stayed that long and kept conversation. I bet he was just praying for a chance to kill you (apart from that one kill he got on you, but you killed him too :p).
I've been called hacker. All I say is, "Prove it."
This kinda reminds me of when I played Sr. Badger myself. I was kicking his ass and he kept crying hacker hack hacker. I just loled and kept pwning.
It's funny how he admits he's a noob yet goes on to call you a hacker, after already telling the world he's crap at the game. His IQ is like...2? maybe 3.
I was accused a hacker in NS yesterday, because i had lvl 2 shotty, 3 skulks leaped out at me in a row and i killed them all, then i get the GL and blast the hive. They sure didnt like that.
I've never had the honour of being called a hacker, only a n00b...;(
what's funny is when someone says 'diol' and you go do it on lan and they just disappear.