Sign here if your willing to forgive and forget.

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Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Once the game is released all the past and present displeasures surrounding the game will be a distant memory.

But will you be holding any resentment towards Valve following the release?
Awww...i can't stay mad at Valve! Gabe, come here, ya big lug!
Woah, this is like Opera! :)

/Passes tissue to Steve

Dry your eyes son
My name is dart321 and it's been 2 weeks since my last insult to Valve. Thank you.
I forgave them between the time the game went gold and when we started getting those amazing reviews of the game.
I was never really angry at valve, i knew in some distant part of me that there was a good reason behind the delays, and with all the great reviews it seems like i was right :)
/Wipes tear

You hear that gabe? Remove the noose from around your neck.... get down off the chair..........Look me in the eyes..............WE LOVE YOU!!

We're sorry about the jokes.......Your not fat your just big boned.
Dr.breen said:
/Wipes tear

You hear that gabe? Remove the noose from around your neck.... get down off the chair..........Look me in the eyes..............WE LOVE YOU!!

We're sorry about the jokes.......Your not fat your just big boned.

yeah...he's not fat, he's just puffy! a big puffy ball of love and gaming genius! and love!
Who cares? After the game is out I won't even think about Valve or any of the bullshit they have pulled until HL3 is announced.
lol, you think gabe is depressed? he is a multi millionare doing a job he loves, with stock in microsoft and a fast car...

you really think he cares if some random person calls him "fat"? :)
iamaelephant said:
Who cares? After the game is out I won't even think about Valve or any of the bullshit they have pulled until HL3 is announced.

I bet your the sort of person that once their Bit-torrent file has downloaded they don't leave it open.
I waited two extra years for Zelda: Ocarina of time, waited 5 years just to hear that half-life 2 existed. I didn't even want to play it, I didn't even want the crazy engine with the crazy physics, insane graphics and this and that and shadows and…

God... I just wanted to know it was in development. waiting one extra year to play it is nothing, especially since they're giving me the game and so much more.
Valve had me ticked off for a bit but I never was one to post things like “the game’s not out let’s protest” or some stupid statements like that. I knew the game would come eventually and I know that all the ones that did will be quietly buying their copy just the same as the rest of us.
iamaelephant said:
You'd loose that bet.

Loose the bet huh, loose......definition:

Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.
Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
Not literal or exact: a loose translation.

So I would not fasten my bet.
iamaelephant said:
You'd loose that bet.
okay, this is the second time i've seen this error tonight. the word "lose" has only one "o" in it. GOD. talk american rightly.
loose is like ... THE NUT ON THE BOLT IS LOOSE ....

lose is like ... TO LOSE THE GAME ...

i <3 valve always have
Dr.breen said:
Loose the bet huh, loose......definition:

Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.
Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
Not literal or exact: a loose translation.

So I would not fasten my bet.

That's very mature of you to point out my spelling error, especially considering my spelling and punctuation is considerably better that the vast majority of this forum.
I just always thought Valve was in a much shittier situation than we ever were.

US: "OMG, Hlaf life 2 isn't out@!/ I have to commence in social relations with nearby sentients!"
Valve: "We're losing huge amounts of money, people are frustrated/angry, publisher is angry, etc. etc., bad reputation"

US: "OMG, Hlaf life 2 is hacked@!/ We have to wait for them to fix holes that could let people gain control of our computers!"
Valve: "We've just let several years' worth of intellectual property slip out onto the net, free for anyone to download and analyze. Add to that huge legal hassles, lost money again, lost morale again, lost reputation again, etc etc.

It's kind of hard to be mad at Valve really. Frustrated maybe.
Gabe isn't fat! He's just gravitationally sensative. :LOL:

Just jokes, of course. I do hope Mr. Newell finds himself an exercise plan now that the majority of his work is done, he can't have much extra energy with his heart having all that extra work to do.
What has happened with Half-Life 2 has been nothing that doesn't happen to most videogames (the leak issue not excluded, alot of games see pre-release leaks). It's only been such huge drama because there was such a following for the game. Valve hasn't been any quieter than any other company, and perhaps has been even more active then most. Try seeing if a Nintendo or Sony project leader would post on community forums. So am I willing to forgive? no, because there is nothing to forgive. Forget? well, finally getting your hands on a long awaited game has a way of making you forget most everything else for awhile :)
No need for me to forgive Valve..

I just sat back and watched.. :p
Operator said:
I was never really angry at valve, i knew in some distant part of me that there was a good reason behind the delays, and with all the great reviews it seems like i was right :)

Same here. Since HL1 I've considered Valve a top-notch company. The delays/problems getting the game out haven't phased me at all and I assumed (and now know) that it'd all be worthwhile. They're a badass group of people working hard to bring us exactly what we want to see, and I'd give anything to become part of the team someday.

The first and final straw for me was the cutting of the hydra...god dang that angers me.

But ill still buy it.
I bet your the sort of person that once their Bit-torrent file has downloaded they don't leave it open.

bit-torrent is for people that think they use some underground awsome p2p, but it sucks ass and you only get fast speeds on main stream files, no seeds no speed, **** it.

DC++ is undeniably best p2p in the world, it has the largest network with constant fastest connections and larger user base and more files then anything, and it requires sharing to keep it alive. for being on topic.

i never was immature enough to go around calling gabe fat, or crap all over valve for this shit, so you people can go clear your minds of the pain you brought on yourselves.

valve rocks, and i won't kick a gaming company when it's down!
exoeight said:
bit-torrent is for people that think they use some underground awsome p2p, but it sucks ass and you only get fast speeds on main stream files, no seeds no speed, **** it.

DC++ is undeniably best p2p in the world, it has the largest network with constant fastest connections and larger user base and more files then anything, and it requires sharing to keep it alive.

Wrong, IRC has the best p2p network.
never mad at them, i just tried to keep the attitude, they did such a good job with hl, and look how much has exploded from it, they know what they were doing and i just kept saying "it will be here, its coming, someday, plz today, anyday?" plus i didnt have my good pc then but now im ready, i love u valve, and i actually am loven steam now!!! i hope u did it again, but we all know u did so its just a matter of time until instea of saying "over 50 game of the year awards" we will hear more.
Steam proves to be about a million times more managable if you have a persistant connection. Dial-up + Steam = the suck.
I never held any grudge at VALVe for the delays, since I needed the time to save up for a new computer anyway. And now I'm ready and good to go. :)
Dr.breen said:
Once the game is released all the past and present displeasures surrounding the game will be a distant memory.

But will you be holding any resentment towards Valve following the release?

Maybe. Valve's strategy of annoying customers to the best of their ability hasn't shown signs of disappearing.
exoeight said:
bit-torrent is for people that think they use some underground awsome p2p, but it sucks ass and you only get fast speeds on main stream files, no seeds no speed, **** it.

I use bittorrent or whatever to get the file I need, not to get my dick in a knot over how supah-leet underground I am. But that's just me.
I'm not angry at then, I never were. But I think my girlfriend wants to kill them for making HL2, which I can never stop talking about. =)
I was never mad at Valve! Sure they may have made a mistake, but I'm sure they fared far worse from it than we did :)

I <3 Valve
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