

Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
How do I add a link to a picture in my signature? Thanks in Advanced.

Also could the link say like MY PC and not like http://whatever? Ok thanks.

Can you please shorten your sig to only 4 lines? That's the limit on these forums :)
But.. :( Ok Will do, could you answer the question while I do this please though? lol
No pics are allowed in signatures edit, sorry, no direct showing of images is available, and for the MY PC thing:

[ URL="http://enter-the-url-here"]MY PC[/URL]

Take out the first space and enter the URL where it says.
No offense, but no one gives shit about your comp specs. Just a future reference.

Answer to question:

[URL]texthere.[/URL ]

Without the spaces.
When editing your signature/posting type what you want the link to be and highlight it. Then click the link button (a globe with a cahin link under it). A space will come up for you to type in the address.
You can't use a picture in your signature, and just press the insert link button and follow the instructions.
^ What? I dont get it, though should I?
You guys are way way too leet for me, please condemn me oh great american.
You're new to the forums so I'll go easy.

To post a reply in this forum, your message needs to be atleast 6 characters long; letters, numbers, or punctuation. I completely agree with what Harryz said so instead of replying "I completely agree," I simply quoted him. I know that makes no sense but... oh well.
Yeah..thats why didn't I get an answer to the what url thing?

It's like I asked you to defuse a bomb or go get me a drink. I know getting a drink is hard for you guys, but could you answer the question? please?

Why do you completely agree with harryz? Because I dont have a crazy pc? Great, makes me trust / like you even more.
Ok, like Murray said, you use this: [ URL="http://enter-the-url-here"]MY PC[/url]

Get your picture hosted (somewhere like Take the url of your picture, and put it in place of the http://enter-the-url-here. Take out the first space, and voila, a link to a picture.
Edit: Damn't...I forgot I don't have the pink bunneh anymore. :(
DreadLord1337 said:
You can't use a picture in your signature, and just press the insert link button and follow the instructions.

Are those really your specs ?