Silent Hunter 4?


Companion Cube
Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I remember being vaguely interested in this game way back when it came out and that it had a few fans on this forum, so when I saw it going for $20 with the U-boat missions included I decided to pick it up the other day.

Since I'm just about to install it: what's the verdict on this game anyway? I seem to remember there being some complaints about anti-aliasing and bugginess, but were those ever resolved? Any recommended patches, fixes, etc?

I also want to eventually be able to play with all the realism sliders set to max., everything set to manual, etc. You guys got any tips, tricks or online resources? The game came with no manual, just a stinking hot keys guide.

EDIT: and wtf is this GameShadow business? Can I get by without installing it?
I was a huge fan of 3. Never played 4, but spent some time watching my roomate play it. It seemed easy enough to pick up if you've played 3, but probably a pretty steep learning curve if you haven't played one before. When I was playing part 3 very heavily I found this site to be immensely helpful.

After playing so much of 3 I was happy with the improved graphics and water. A few of the more tedious aspects like revolving crew were a bit more streamlined as well.
I kinda liked SHIV. I'd rather they kept the setting in the North Atlantic, playing as the Germans but it isn't a huge letdown. The missions during the campaign are a lot more varied, which is good. No more 'Patrol area X,Y for 24 hours' but some real fun stuff like reconnaissance missions and special forces insertions. The graphics are very nice. Anti-aliasing was already a bitch in SHIII. Quite weird that Ubi didn't fix that since it was such a bugbear for the community. Overall a 8.3 for me.

Also, visit the forum Fishlore mentioned. Very friendly community and they have a vast amount of SH info.

Some of my screens:





For a subsim fan like myself, SH4 without mods = 8/10, SH4 with mods = 15/10.

Seriously, that's how I'd rate it.
What mods do you recommend Garg?

ATM I'm still wrestling with the training, but I feel like I'm still not understanding manual aiming fully....
I can't sadly really recommend any right now because I haven't been playing since December last year, and there's probably alot of new mods out there, but I use to get tips on what mods to use etc.