silly computer Upgrade question

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
ok heres the system I want to upgrade, my lil bro's system.

CPU: P4 2.6ghz (533mhz FSB)


VIDEO CARD: ATI radeon 9800 pro (mobo only supports 2x, 4x AGP, but people say theres not much of an increase from 4x-8xAGP)

SOUND CARD:Soundmax (5.1 and EAX support) onboard sound card (mobo)

MEMORY: 512mb DDR (2700)


I was just wondering what component I should upgrade that would give the most performance.

he has around $200-$300 to blow on his comp.
thanks in advance, I know silly upgrade questions are asked all the time, however this isnt for HL2.. he is getting into other games that require more power now.

edit: btw I know its a decent system, but he wants to run games in 1280x1024 with 4x AA and 16xAF on and play smoothly.
(he can in some games, but others... theres stutter.)
Im thinking he needs more RAM, since he already has a damn good Vid card (same as me)
either that or a CPU upgrade?
which would be more beneficial?
I'd go for an extra 512 MB RAM. The cost/benefit of a CPU upgrade is smaller imho
More ram would really make his FPS smoother?
rather than CPU?

Im looking into getting the Creative GigaWorks™ S750 speaker set for myself :D 7.1 surround sound...
just need a bigger room now :/
If he expects to run a new game at 1280x1024 with 4AA and expect it to run smoothly, you are dead wrong. Heck the new 6800U/X800XT are barely able to do that now. Tell you brother to either drop the resolution or drop the AA.