Simply unplayable!! Laggy as h...



I'm so f........ tired of this game. i'm getting around 80 fps in open areas with no players in dust, but as soon as I goes inside, its around 30-40. And it gets really laggy = no chance of any frags! Thats simply to LOW!

So, please help me. I'm just about to put something hard throgh that cabinet.

My specs are:
P4 [email protected] (265 fsb)
Ati 9800 Pro@430/376
512 mb Geil pc4200 ram
Mobo: Abit IC7-G
Yep, tried that :(. Shouldn't I be getting something around the double fps?
Settings are at lowest in 1024...
Try upping settings to medium and try mat_specular 0.
That actually helped! Why does turning up settings help? But thanks with this one. Perhaps you could help me with the next one too, then :D

Now I can't use full screen. I get the famous "Could not read.........". It also tries to launch in a strange ways, and comes up with 2 screens saying "Could not initiate video mode....". Where can I reset previous video settings?
deleting your config.cfg file will get rid of previous settings. this will include mat_specular 0 though, so remember to reset that
I was a bit too fast. It didn't work. I tried to delete config.cfg and my autoexec.cfg, but I still get "Failed to set video mode"......

Suggestions, please, please, please ......................
In the MY GAMES menu, right click on HL2 and go to properties. A window should open and there should be a button that reads "Launch Optoins" click that and type this:

-width 800 –height 600

Just copy and paste that into the launch options.
Wait, wait. Are you saying 30-40 FPS is too low?

Go dig yourself a hole 15ft. deep and jump in.
malkekoen said:
I was a bit too fast. It didn't work. I tried to delete config.cfg and my autoexec.cfg, but I still get "Failed to set video mode"......

Suggestions, please, please, please ......................

It might have to do with the fact that you are overclocking.
Also, you only have 512MB of RAM. That may be enough, but I would want 1GB.
Would I notice a reasonable performance gain by adding 512 mb of ram?

Should the overclocking lower the FPS??? In benchmarks, this is my optimum overclock (I can overclock even more, but then other games starts to lag)...
Adding another 512MB of ram probably wouldnt increase your fps by alot, through right now its probably the bottle neck of your computer.

Over clocking mightnt decrease the FPS, but may cause video errors and other problems with your game.

Dont forget to go over to the steam forums and find their tweak list, here, ill do it for you:
This thread will have heaps of information on how to tweak your game to get the maximum performance (or just a bit more performance depending what you want etc).

Keep in mind removing all spyware, defraging your harddrive and tweaking your operating system will probably improve performance.
You could try this:
In dxdiag click the sound tab and change the hardware acceleration setting to "None" or "Basic". It worked for me and my fps are up around 70 - 100.
I wouldn't be too concerend about the RAM as long as your Hard Drive isn't also maxed out or you are running a lot of bull besides CS:S... Make sure all unnecessary prgs in your system tray and any hidden prgs are shut down.

Are you running Ad-Aware (or similiar) and anti-virus often?

You said your FPS drops when you go inside... If this is happening on Dust maps, or worse on dust maps, turn your AA OFF (all the way down)...

Either way before you do any more tweaking list all of your advanced video settings...
Hey. First: Thanks for all your help, its really appreciated!

Next: Settings
Text: medium
Filtering: Trillin
Water: reflect
Shader: high
Shadow: high
Vert. sync: disabled

NO virus' and no spyware...
Using very low settings will not really strain the video card and rather the CPU will be more in use. Putting some load on the video card sometimes increases FPS in some cases. Also, my FPS drops dead whenever I look at the ground for some forsaken reason with mat_specular on. Which is why I like it off, takes away some prettyness, but not much.

Im always hearing problems about people who have kickass amazing mindblowing systems yet have weird preformance problems in HL2 / CS:S. There's gotta be something wrong somewhere with these problems...
well, my system is not "mindblowing" anymore, but decent. It oughta do the job. And i've experienced excactly the same with the settings. Whenever I set them to low or disabled, my framerate decreases...