Sin City (film noir movie)

as a long time fan of frank miller and Sin city I was sort of left with mixed feelings. Marv for one is too small, not so sure Josh Harnett is the best choice for The Man, but I like Clive Owen as Dwight. I dont know, it's missing something; it's missing some of it's grittiness but Frank Miller is sharing directorial duties with Robert rodriguez so it will at least be faithful to his visual style. I will watch it regardless
it looks like the movie :E

Sin City is awesome: gritty, well written, great visual style (only 3 colours: black white and red). Highly recommended
hmm, Josh Harnett can't really act, and the narration in Max Payne was better.
Jessica Alba is in that movie eh

enough reazon to wacht it
hey it has Robert Rodriguez as director. I loved him for From Dusk till Dawn.
i like my noir more subtle. chinatown is excelent, i recommend it to anyone. jack nicholsons best role in my opinion.
kaf11 said:
i like my noir more subtle. chinatown is excelent, i recommend it to anyone. jack nicholsons best role in my opinion.

Now THAT'S a film-noir. :)
film noir done in colour ...kinda defeats the purpose ..but ya china town was good