Sin City. Movie looks insane!

They nailed the comic books drawing style with this film... This should be really good bieng as its from Robert Rodriguez.
Very nice. I might go watch this is if it comes to our cinema.
Wow, i've never read the comics and i don't know what the hell it is, but it certainly looks class ;) Whats up with it being all black and white except for that womans hair and that bizzarre goblin guy? i'm confused...
I loved the song and looked it up.

Havnt made sure yet. But i think its

servant - the cells

But it has default vocals. Think we will have to wait for the sound track to get the movie verison.
that voice and the whole black and white thing reminds me of max payne

looks like a really cool movie tho
Suicide42 said:
Wow, i've never read the comics and i don't know what the hell it is, but it certainly looks class ;) Whats up with it being all black and white except for that womans hair and that bizzarre goblin guy? i'm confused...

As i said it follows the comic drawing style!
I'm a bit dubious about a modern attempt to do film noir, although I'll probably see it.
I think Benicio Del Toro looks really freaky when hes in the car window...really cool.. :D
I looked at the credits over at and it turns out the comic creator also wrote the script and took a hand in the directing. It's great that he can have constant imput to make sure it's loyal to the comic.

Hopefully it can be as good as the first Batman and xmen series.

/EDIT: Yes, it's suppost to have sound.
This trailer looks like its utter crap, good casts but editors and directors can make it utter crap (Blade Trinity)!!
Ain't gonna see it, only good movie from comics is Punisher thats it!!
This trailer looks like its utter crap, good casts but editors and directors can make it utter crap (Blade Trinity)!!
Ain't gonna see it, only good movie from comics is Punisher thats it!!

lol...The Punisher was mediocre at best...and if you mean the old Dolph Lundgren movies, just :x :x :x :x
I just dont get people like PHATXUIQ, you can show them a freaking awesome movie or artwork and they'll go " wow, thats soo ugly and crappy" You people wouldn't know a good movie if it smacked you across the face. It's the same with LOTR haters, they go "LOTR was horribly done" or "they were completly overrated" I just don't get how they can say that about a masterpiece that is the LOTR trilogy.These people should be locked up! Sin City looks amazing and i cant wait to see it.

That movies is 3 hours mind dumbing bore!!!!

There is actually very few movies that are good. I like movies with suprises good story and above all a whole lot of logic in it!

That movies is 3 hours mind dumbing bore!!!!
Ahhh, the words of a dilettante.

But the trailer looked absolutely wicked. And Alba too. :rolling:
I actually saw posters of this film, and they featured each character.
There is actually very few movies that are good. I like movies with suprises good story and above all a whole lot of logic in it!
And the Punisher meets all these how??

I fail to see how you got directorial/editorial utter crap from that trailer.
Dunno about the people who say its a bad trailer but i feel most trailers these days show to much or are just plain dumb. That was the best trailer i have ever seen.
no matter how good something is, theres always a moron who says otherwise

this movie looks beyond pimp!
that even got the charators to match up to the comics very well!
if you never read or seen the sincity comics/novels go out and check em out!
man im gonna see this movie like 6 times
Its going to rule. The Sin City comics are amazing. Great artwork. Great plots. Neo-noir at its finest. And I'm a man who loves his noir.
Bruce Willis, Benicio del Toro, Mickey Rourke & Michael Madsen?!

Never read the comics (heard of them, and Frank Miller did Batman so I know of him), but this movie looks pretty ballsy. Noir's good stuff, and I'm a big fan of Bruce Willis so that sweetens the deal.
At first I thought the topic said Sim City(I love that game series).

But, I guess that wasn't the case.

Can someone enlighten me as to what Sin City is? <smiles>
Sin City is a comic series that Frank Miller writes and draws. Each comic is a lenghty tale of a character and his conflict.

Sin City tells the tale of Marv and his search for Goldie's killers as he runs rampant throughout Sin City, doing everything in his unstoppable power to do it.

That Yellow Bastard is about Hartigan, a retired cop who goes to jail to protect a young little girl. 8 years later he has to protect her again from the same thugs who try to take her away before.

Hell and Back is about Wallace, a former War hero who saves a woman from committing suicide. Then, he stumbles upon a grand conspiracy concerning the woman

And thats just three of the comics. There's still A Dame to Kill For, The Big Fat Kill, Family Values, The Babe Wore Read, and a few other one shot comics. The first three were just personal favorites of mine. The movie's plots are from Sin City, The Big Fat Kill, and That Yellow Bastard. Hell and Back was going to be in it too, but unfortunately they couldn't fit in. Too bad too, Johnny Depp and Leonard DiCaprio were supposed to be in it.

So yeah, if you like Film noir, neo-noir, or crime dramas, you should love Sin City.
Bruce Willis is one on my favorite actors, this movie looks bomb. Noir movies are cool too, and I always thought Jessice Alba was smokin, cant wait for this movie. The sooner the better. Whens it come out?

Update: Comes to US April 1st and UK the 22nd