SiN Episodes: Emergence Update


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Keeping their promise, Ritual Entertainment has put up an update to their newly released title SiN Episodes: Emergence. Here’s the changelog:
  • SiN Episodes: Emergence[br]
  • Fixed the challenge system sometimes never easing up on the player, making it unforgiving
  • Fixed sound-stuttering issues for some players
  • Fixed player stats not always reporting while you are in the car or otherwise locked in place
  • Fixed the instantaneous challenge rating sometimes reporting 0
  • Fixed a texture problem that was causing a lock-up on some video cards when loading in U4Labs
  • Fixed a path-finding issue preventing the game from progressing after talking with Radek at his headquarters
  • Reduced point-size on some fonts to fix close captioning being clipped
All that right here on the Steam News page.
Nice to see a update so fast. Even tho none of the things they fixed happened to me.
The patch works great. Before it was like 5 chaingunners at once, now the enemies are spread out. If you die, the game will be nice and turn a chaingunner into a regular merc.
Kanehdian said:
The patch works great. Before it was like 5 chaingunners at once, now the enemies are spread out. If you die, the game will be nice and turn a chaingunner into a regular merc.
The game was just more fun in god mode

*Doesnt enjoy dying constantly*
I want a completely honest answer to this question hint: that means no blatant fanboyism or "for the value!!!" style posts, I just want to know if it's fun; Is this game worth the purchase?
babyheadcrab said:
I want a completely honest answer to this question; Is this game worth the purchase?
It's the most linear fps i've ever played
Which, considering most fps games, is really saying something...

It's also very short

And the extreme difficulty distracts you from what a good game it really is
And it is a good game. Good story, good settings, good fights

probably not worth 20 bucks though, although worth a lil bandwith :naughty:
Ikerous said:
It's the most linear fps i've ever played
Which, considering most fps games, is really saying something...

It's also very short

And the extreme difficulty distracts you from what a good game it really is
And it is a good game. Good story, good settings, good fights

probably not worth 20 bucks though, although worth a lil bandwith :naughty:

Good thing I didn't pre-order, i'm not really interested in another linear fps, even if it is challenging - i've been spoiled by fps's like Half-Life and Dues Ex. Only shoot 'em up I really had fun with recently was Painkiller, which brought me back to my Doom days.
Thank god, that Sintek Tower level was absolutely killing me.....much more than 100 deaths.......
babyheadcrab said:
I want a completely honest answer to this question hint: that means no blatant fanboyism or "for the value!!!" style posts, I just want to know if it's fun; Is this game worth the purchase?

It's very fun and has a great feel to it. The general quality is lower than HL2, but the fun and the "feel" of the game is imo better. Nobody can tell you whether you will like the game or not, but I sure did.

It is short. I spent 5 hours in total, and could probably do it faster with this new patch. Then again I tend to progress asap, ignoring secrethunting and the likes.

I played on hard, and it was indeed darn hard, but I thought that made it rewarding. I didn't find it much harder than CoD2 on veteran (but cod2 is made harder because it doesn't have quicksave), and that's what I think the challenge should be if you play a game on the harder/hardest difficulty setting. The only problem with the difficulty system was that people who wanted to play it on easy/normal also got this gosh-darn-hard mode after a short while, but according to ritual they have fixed that now.

.bog. - blatant fanboi
I still have not finished it yet but its been fun. I think its worth the 18 bucks I spent.

Found the dopefish twice so far too.

I like how the grenades look when they blow up. Very thermite like.
Ikerous said:
...although worth a lil bandwith :naughty:

Don't come to these forums and encourage game piracy. Yes it's linear, but it's fun and for the price if you like to root around it's worthwhile.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Nice to see a update so fast. Even tho none of the things they fixed happened to me.

haha. that's exactly what i was thinking.

I enjoyed the game, and it ran fine. I had a few nights with nothing to do and a very good mindset to focus on a game. SiN was perfect for that. 17 bucks is nothing for 6 hours of solid entertainment.