siren sound coming from computer


May 28, 2004
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Ok, so heres my specs. I got this computer in Januaray, have had no problems, but this siren sound it makes worries and annoys me.

AMD Athlon 64 Bit 3700+
Abit KV8 pro Mobo
1024 mbs of 3200 ddr ram
Geforce 6800 Gt
160 gig hard drive

It never use to make the siren sound, even after play cs:source with all details on high for hours. Now it does it after about 40 minutes of playing World of WarCraft which is not nearly as graphically demanding as CS:Source is. If I minimize the game and wait a few seconds and go back it stops, but will start after about 5 minutes. Anyone know what the problem is? I thought maybe it was my computers temperature and it usually does it when it gets around 78 degrees celcius? Is that rediculously high or is that okay? Can I disable the sound?

:rolling: :eek:
Wait, you are telling me your computer goes up to 78 C?

Please for all that is good, do not use your computer till you get new cooling. The siren is telling you that your computer is overheating. Overheating is caused by intense temperatures in the area or the CPU is unable to stay cool under the stress of the programs you are running.

My suggestion is to turn off your computer, find another, order a new Heatsink/Fan and thermal paste, and after they arrive and are properly installed, turn your computer back on.
fluffhead said:
Well, Im not gaming right now and its chilling at 58.

Crap! That's WAY too high to be Idle!

What kinda heatsink you running? What kind of thermal paste did you use?
I dont know, but I jsut turned the computer off and looked inside. I dont see how I am having problems, when I have 3 raidmax fans and a 420 w Raidmax power supply.
"Raidmax" fans means nothing. Size? Speed? Rated CFM? Positioning (intake, exhaust) and you still never mentioned your heatsink, or thermal paste.
Yeah, that's hot. Make sure the fan is spinning over the CPU and seated correctly. Might need to grab some thermal grease. Maybe even a new heatsink/fan.
My old computer used to make weird noises when it got too hot
I just unplugged the internal speaker from the mobo. Problem solved.
That CPU of yours is way too hot. Totally need to take a look in the case and see whats happening. Has it always been that hot?
sinkoman said:
"Raidmax" fans means nothing. Size? Speed? Rated CFM? Positioning (intake, exhaust) and you still never mentioned your heatsink, or thermal paste.

Dude you gotta understand I dont know shit about my systems fans. They just came with the case. built my comp, I just picked the parts.
Get some artic silver, a new heatsink and as many fans as you can put in your case. Your computer will love you for it.
my 939 winchester 3200 idles at 33 :S and thats a 2.25 Ghz :p

what voltage is being supplied to cpu ?? (vcore)

downlaod this

and take a screenshot of the cpu page( the first one that appears) and post it here so we know what is happening on cpu then we can rule out overvolting
yes arctic silver 5 :D. Also make fans in the front suck air in, and fans in the pack push air out. With air cooling my CPU would idle ~36 now that I have water cooling it rarely goes above ~34 under load :D
Joims said:
my 939 winchester 3200 idles at 33 :S and thats a 2.25 Ghz :p

what voltage is being supplied to cpu ?? (vcore)

downlaod this

and take a screenshot of the cpu page( the first one that appears) and post it here so we know what is happening on cpu then we can rule out overvolting

Alright, how do I get a screenshot of what it says on CPU tab of that program?
I never figured out in my life of computing how to take a SS of desktop.
Alt-PrintScrn (Should be up next to the F keys on your keyboard). Then you gotta shrink the size so you can post it on here, or find image hosting like and link us to it.
Ikerous said:
My old computer used to make weird noises when it got too hot
I just unplugged the internal speaker from the mobo. Problem solved.
Oh god hahaha

78 is extremely hot. We're not talking 78 F here, which would be a very pleasant outside temperature, we're talking Celsius.
Ikerous said:
My old computer used to make weird noises when it got too hot
I just unplugged the internal speaker from the mobo. Problem solved.
ahahahaha oh Ikerous. As others have stated, that's crazy hot yo. cool that shit, it be off da hizzle ya hurrd?
your bios on bootup is the most accurate. Press delete, or whatever it asks you to press when you turn your computer on.
J_Tweedy said:
your bios on bootup is the most accurate. Press delete, or whatever it asks you to press when you turn your computer on.

Hmm. My bios will almost ALWAYS give me something like 38, 42. But everything else (Sandra, mobo monitoring utility that came with my mobo) says around 31-34 which to me seems WAY more accurate.
sinkoman said:
Hmm. My bios will almost ALWAYS give me something like 38, 42. But everything else (Sandra, mobo monitoring utility that came with my mobo) says around 31-34 which to me seems WAY more accurate.
Sometimes an upgrade to the BIOS will fix that.
My new computer does this too but I get a 40C- 45C cpu temp. It does it for about 5 minutes then stops tho. Its more of a buzz than a siren. Anyways in my bios it says something aboutan everyday alarm I was wondering could that be the problem. The only thing its in tourquoise with an X and I cant select it. thanks
sinkoman said:
Hmm. My bios will almost ALWAYS give me something like 38, 42. But everything else (Sandra, mobo monitoring utility that came with my mobo) says around 31-34 which to me seems WAY more accurate.
Well your bios SHOULD be the most accurate- i dunno.
How long can I go with temperatures of 70+ until I get a new fan? How will these temperatures affect my KV8 Pro in the long run?
Not too long....if you keep it running that hot it can melt your mobo.
Umm...........the thermal threshold for Athlon 64's is 70ºC

78ºC = NOT GOOD. Siren = NOT GOOD.

Get some more case fans, a better PSU (raidmax = shit) and a Thermalright XP-90 heatsink with a Panaflo HA1 fan that psu and a few of these :D
fluffhead said:
Dude you gotta understand I dont know shit about my systems fans. They just came with the case. built my comp, I just picked the parts.
I got my comp there too, and it idles at 28 C or so, goes up to the high 30s when I'm gaming.

78 C is INSANE.
NickS said:
Umm...........the thermal threshold for Athlon 64's is 70ºC

78ºC = NOT GOOD. Siren = NOT GOOD.

Get some more case fans, a better PSU (raidmax = shit) and a Thermalright XP-90 heatsink with a Panaflo HA1 fan that psu and a few of these :D

Dude, do I really need all that? I already have 420 watt power supply. I probably just need a heatsink and a new fan correct?
If your processor is that hot, there must be a reason for it.

1. Where do you keep your case, on the floor where all teh case fans can breathe, or in a tight corner where there isn't much space and the fans can't do there job correctly.

2. Is the fan on the heatsink for your CPU spinning fast, If its a reference A64 heatsink, I think they spin at about 3000rpm, at least mine does. Check for dust, and if you can take the fan off, not the heat sink, just teh fan and vacuum inbetween the fins on teh heatsink. While you are in there, make sure you give everything else a good cleaning, make sure your fans aren't all clogged up with dust. Make sure you plug the fan back in and also make sure you put it back on teh right way up so that it blows air through the fins and not the other way up.

3. Tidy up the inside of your case, if you have wires blocking fans and stuff, make them nice and neat with tie wraps and keep them out of the way if you can.

After you have done that, goto and download everest Home edition, then goto Computer --> Sensor and have alook and post all your temps that it shows there. Also post the RPM of your CPU fan.
fluffhead said:
Dude, do I really need all that? I already have 420 watt power supply. I probably just need a heatsink and a new fan correct?

Wait wait wait. So you mean to say, you're running that cpu without a heatsink? Shouldn't they have sold you one?

Perhaps you didn't specify one, not knowing that you'd need one, so they just sold you the system without it, assuming that you'd add one in.

But 78 is WAY too low to be getting without a heatsink.

Oh and about that bios update, yupz. Mucho accuraco.
Ok, the heatsink is the fan right above the processor right? Yes, my computer has one of those. I just went it cleaned it along with the 3 other case fans out with a vaccuum cleaner, and it still idling between 53-58. This is really pissing me off.
Did you download everest to check what speed the speed of the fan on your hsf for your cpu?
fluffhead said:
Ok, the heatsink is the fan right above the processor right? Yes, my computer has one of those. I just went it cleaned it along with the 3 other case fans out with a vaccuum cleaner, and it still idling between 53-58. This is really pissing me off.

Erm. No. No it isn't. By the sounds of it, you don't have a heatsink.

And cleaning your pc components with a vacuum cleaner is a REALLY bad idea. Vacums generate static, which is the equivalent of the plague for a pc component. I know you were just cleaning fans, but something could still have gone wrong.

And the heatsink is the big metal block with wings/pins sticking off of it. There should be a fan mounted ontop of the heatsink.
Ok, I downloaded the Everest program and looked on the Sensor page.

Field Value
Sensor Properties
Sensor Type Abit MicroGuru (ISA E0h)
GPU Sensor Type Maxim MAX6646 (NV-I2C 4Ch)
Motherboard Name Abit AV8 / KV8 Pro Series

Motherboard 33 °C (91 °F)
CPU 46 °C (115 °F)
PWM 36 °C (97 °F)
GPU 47 °C (117 °F)
GPU Ambient 39 °C (102 °F)
WDC WD1600BB-00GUA0 32 °C (90 °F)

Cooling Fans
CPU 2770 RPM
Fan #6 1807 RPM

Voltage Values
CPU Core 1.53 V
+3.3 V 3.44 V
+5 V 5.14 V
+5 V Standby 5.22 V
3V Dual 3.42 V
North Bridge Core 1.56 V
South Bridge Core 2.59 V
HyperTransport 1.25 V
DIMM 2.67 V
That's pretty cool that your hdd has a temp sensor on it.

But as for the cpu, 46 seems more like a load temp to me. You SHOULD be idling in the 30's. How hot does your room get during this time of year? Where do you live?

Actually, those cpu volts seem a bit too high. What kind of psu do you have? Your rails seem a bit off, but the core volt seems to high. I'm thinking that could be causing the heat issues.

EDIT: oh and your hsf seems to be working fine. I'm pretty sure as of now that you have a hs.
I live in Southeast Missouri, and my room gets to about temperatures around 60-70 degrees fahrenheit. My PSU is a ps-ATX-400 420 watt supply unit.
fluffhead said:
I live in Southeast Missouri, and my room gets to about temperatures around 60-70 degrees fahrenheit. My PSU is a ps-ATX-400 420 watt supply unit.

i'd say your psu is over volting the cpu, cause that's mighty cold. Here in hawaii, my room can be anywhere from 75-82 and my cpu stays a constant 35 idle (except at night, or when the ac's on)
hey, before you go out and buy a new cpu fan and thermal grease and all that... go to walmart and spend $2 on a can of compressed air... clean out all your fans and any air filters you may have on them. then, take the cpu fan off and clean out the heatsink. if there's a bunch of dust piled up there, it can easily add 10 degress C (or more!) to your temps. Just a thought :thumbs: