Sissies not apply (Hurricane Frances thread)

Ghost Freeman

Sep 17, 2003
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Anyone still have power and internet?

I still do, although several outages here in Jax have me eating off my UPS at times.

Anyways, discuss.
:cheers: I live in Cali, I am unaffected right... aren't I? Muwahahahahhahahhhaaa.
I live in California too. My lack of hurricanage pwns you.
Yeah well it's windy outside and they say possible tornadoes.

I live in Finland, the lack of anything pwns me.

Hope you all got out alive with some amazing pics that you can sell for money.
MaxiKana said:
I live in Finland, the lack of anything pwns me.

Hope you all got out alive with some amazing pics that you can sell for money.

That's actually a good idea... I should do that with the next quake
I live in Jax pretty calm right now, but when I wokeup aroiund 7am this morning it was dark as night ;x
Im up in NY but all a sudden when i woke up today outside was very dark, and its a lil windy. Yesterday was all sunshine though...
Yes erm the UK.

Hrm overcast weather pwns you!


I'll get my coat.
Its quite sunny here...Pleasantly warm too :O

Hope it didn't cause too much damage, considering the succesion of hurricanes.
Up here it's just a mere bag of wind, down in Southern Florida, I hear all hell is rightfully breaking loose.
i'm in gainesville. not much here's coming though...
Its pretty darn hot down here in the south of england right now. :O
I'm from Wrightesville Beach, NC. Normally we get alot of the 'canes, but we've been pretty lucky this summer. Thanks to Francis for the awesome waves though.
I live in Sweden, our lack of everything owns you.
Except in the winter, tourists die from -50 farenheight (-~45 celcius)
power's out at home, fortunately not at the hospital. but it still sucks. dammit, hurricane go away! :angry:
Wow we lost power at about 11:30 Sunday Morning and im just getting it back.. its really a test of patience without power. I just kept reflecting on how in the olde days people didnt have power. BUt i did follow what someone requested and took some pictures but they all came out bad because of lighting but I got one good pic of a tree that fell on my sissies car.

Ya the winds were fierce. but now i can call myself a Hurricane Survivor bitches
i lost power about 4:30 sunday, and got it back this afternoon.
adidjas did you start to get used to not having power... like day 1
everytime id walk in a room id turn on a light switch to be reminded no power..
day 2 started drawing talking to my self would wash my face everyhour ot keep the sticky rating down ...
day 3 actually began to manage my time well by reading magazine drawing in my sketchbook but then my power turned on...
i love to hear the people whine about how horrible it was.. when in reality a while ago no one had power im just glad everyone is ok and no one is hurt :) and my neighbors and we built bonds... and we all put together for a generator so we could have warm food... and we had a minor buffet took all the stuff that was near going bad in freezer cooked it up pretty fun stuff. :)
sort of. i only lost it for 3 days. i was under the assumption it would come back any moment, so i didn't really have any alternate plans. I did get halfway through a book though which i may not have started this week because of Frances, so that was a good thing.

sounds like you really made the most of it. i would hope i would have done something kind, but it didn't seem long enough. i went to work at night or when i got bored from having no power, no lights.