Site appreciation + question


Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys, Wanted to let you know that I really like the design of this site. It has a lot of depth. What program did you use to build it? I usually code html in notepad, but I can't pull anything like this off with that OR with frontpage. I know people aren't keen on giving away trade secrets, but a few hints would be cool.

Just thought I'd pick the minds behind the creation of this site. Thanks!!
First things first - don't use Frontpage.

Do you mean the forum or the main site? I would guess they used Notepad or Dreamweaver. Personally I use TSW Webcoder 5 which is free. [link]

From the source code of the page it looks like it was just layed out using tables.
Munro draws what he wants in crayons, then gives it to a very good designer who builds it.
Munro then kills this designer, and claims the copyright as his own.
StarMonkey said:
Munro draws what he wants in crayons, then gives it to a very good designer who builds it.
Munro then kills this designer, and claims the copyright as his own.

Oh. That's why he's called "the Munronator".
Watch out or he will munronate you! :p