Size matters??


Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
I have built a segment of a map - very large area and relatively detailed but its 2.45 megs! :eek: ! Is this unusual or is there any way to reduce this?

I am also curious - what size is your map (especially those for the competition)
At the moment, mine is 3.76 meg, although a mess about one I converted from HL2 Sp to DM (same size, no changes) was originally 283kb, compiling with HL2DM it was 21meg.

Looking in the cache files though, Overwatch is 4.27 meg, lockdown is 10.86 meg, So I would say anywhere between 0 and 15 meg would be ok.
Ok thanks...was getting worried for a little while (luckily its one of the biggest places) - Arent file sizes like these going to make it harder to distribute maps though, especially competition ones...
My contest map is getting pretty big. I will release a proof-of-concept version for it once the layout is done. Details will come later. I will most likely release the poc map jan 1 or 2.

7.5 MB

1807 portalclusters, 5100 numportals
Optimized: 96321 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 2783613
Average clusters visible: 1540, Average clusters audible: 1802
visdatasize:814846 compressed from 838448
10472 faces
31 degenerate faces
764763 square feet [110126000.00 square inches]
10441 patches before subdivision, 80273 patches after subdivision
144 direct lights
hopefully we'll all be running on fiber optic lines and have plenty of gigs of ram, and a gig of ram on our video card.... I predict this won't be too far away from today actually, then 50 meg levels won't be uncommon, levels will be extremely detailed, even the things "cheated" with textures will be fully modelled and interactive.. the only thing is games will keep coming with more and more cds lol
i remade cs_assault and it did a full compile to less than 4MB, on the other hand i have a huge map called de_hooverdam (64 players, and did you know that there is a numportal limit at 32700? hehe) and i haven't finished it yet but it is at 18MB without full compile (fast vis)...


edit: speaking of detail and large amounts of ram and video memory ---> unreal engine 3.0

i believe 2006 we will have a gig or more on our video cards and even more ram in our rigs
Big maps are ok as the server sends you a compressed file, as an example a 15MB map would be sent to you as a file only around 3MB in size, launch your map in developer mode and have someone connect who doesnt have the map and it will tell you the compressed size.
Meh... I'll download 50mb in 3 or 4 minutes if the server is fast enough, no need for fiber optics...
50 mb is for me about 100 seconds :D but it can always go faster