skateboard physics!? O_O


Apr 17, 2004
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In hammer, i created a skateboard in 2 pieces. A wooden deck, which i created as a physbox, and the wheels underneth (small cylibders)

simple enough.

but how dould i make the wheels move easy along the ground, if say, you shot with the gravity gun?

I figuared, make the wooden part physbox (unbreakable of course) and give the wheels some sort of entity, which aloud them to move easy, and parent the wheels to the wood part.

But what will work, as far as the wheels go?

Right now its just a prop.

thank you in advance
Those are some blocky wheels lol, but I have no clue how you would make them roll...
ChronosWing said:
Those are some blocky wheels lol, but I have no clue how you would make them roll...

ill fix / texture them

i dont want them to roll, i want them to be able to slide.

like if you threw it with the gravity gun i would slide along the ground for a bit.

p.s. the blockyness adds to the humor

cant wait to kill someone with this.....
what about a physc_thrust? and output "when damged" or thrown.

but where would i put the enitity so it would thrust with where ever its being thrown
use cylinders and hinges to actually make it roll
Why not just config the skateboard to run like a vehicle but not actually be usable. This would also mean it can all be done with a model and actually run a lot faster.
IchI said:
Why not just config the skateboard to run like a vehicle but not actually be usable. This would also mean it can all be done with a model and actually run a lot faster.

good idea, ill try that
ApHeX_ said:
Gordon Freeman Underground!


If i could code the skateboards as like, a vehicle, deathmatch would be insane
