Skinners needed for Rivals


May 31, 2003
Reaction score
The Rivals mod is currently looking for skilled 2d artists to skin our models. Check out this site to see the models. If you are interested please e-mail me ([email protected]) or PM me. Thanks.:)

*very much delayed bump*

We are still looking for skinners. Check out the site and see what we have to offer.
Rivals, is essentially, organized crime at its best. No where else can you get a simulated experience of being in a gang such as ours. In Rivals you will join sides with one of two gangs. There are the Suits, who conduct business in a very professional manner. Their foundation lies within stealth and tactics. Never will you find a Suit without a silenced pistol, which has dropped victims without them even knowing it, all to often. You will also find the Suits working in pairs and teams with such equipment as Gas Masks, and Tear Gas. But you aren't limited to working with the Suits. If you so desire, you may join ranks with the New Age.

The New Age is your pretty-boys of today's society. The sport only the best clothes, cars, and other little niches that no one else can afford. But when it comes to doing their dirty work, there is nothing more than they enjoy than power. Boosting powerful and fast racy type cards, you can often find one of their gang members hanging out the window blasting away with a machine gun.

^ so wtf is the mod about then? this gives me no indent to how the mod will be played or anything. All I know is that there is 2 very childishly made up teams from some cheese thingy like greese. Tbh people don't care about what the peoples background is on who u are playign with. They just want to know what the game will play like. Maybe fill use in with something a bit more helpful rather than a story like a greese. Comprenday? LOL

My spelling is so shocking. cba to go through it and check I am to tired.
Forgive my laziness as I forgive yours for not checking the forums. :p Anyway, you can check out the original game concept here. Alot of it has changed (weapons mostly), but the game mode is basically the same. There is also some stuff you like to keep secret. Wouldn't want to ruin any suprises. ;)
Anymore bumpin and ill take action....if youre gonna bump at least post some content worth readin or useful

BTW those models are AWSOME!! :eek:

Anyway, don't you think they would look better with a nice new texture? *wink* :)