Skinning Requests for my series [Head Sickness]

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I was thinking how I could make my series a lil more unique and I thought it might be pretty cool if I could get someone to skin the charple bodies from HL2 to look more like grey dead corpses then crisped dudes. For those of you who have never heard of my WIP lil SP mod Head Sickness heres the introduction map I released on Hl2files Head Sickness .

Also if you've ever played the Silent Hill series "which is what the mod is kinda based around" you'll know that there are usually quite a few grey rotting corpses here and there "not crispy ones =P". Then I had the idea of giving the citizens from HL2 sorta like an undead skin if I could get anyone to skin em for me, and make them look like undead patients... If I could get some real cool and creepy looking skins for the citizens I could tweak the ai relationship so that they will attack you and you'll get to fight new and interesting enemies that you have never fought before :D.

I dont know if Id give them any guns though... It just wouldnt seem right.. I could however let them use crowbars and that one pipe that was used by a citizen in the sewer level with the manhacks. I guess I could see maybe some insane orderly's using that shotgun annabelle that the monk was using though.
Id also have to change around what they say too but getting into the scripts wont be hard, since I was planning on making the full version into a mod anyway so the player made combine CP sounds.

But anywho, if anyone here thinks the idea is cool and would be interested in maybe skinning for me since all the "skinning" I do comes out looking like friggin cartoon characters, Id really appreciate it.

Cool, im writing a story with some other guy about a Silent hill inspired mod for hl2. if interested we could talk about this :)