Skip waterhazard gate #4 and gate#5 level without cheats...


Feb 24, 2008
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When you arrive at gate #4, don't stop at the tower and climb on the stairs. At the end of the project there are several barrels with fuel.
Go to the most left site of the canal and go out of the airboat. Zoom onto the upper site of the gate doors and you see the barrels. Shoot several bullets and wait for the explosion.
Now you can pass the gate without entering the building and fight your way through.

When you arrive at gate #5, the guard is shooting at you while the doors are closing. Shoot the guard and place your airboat with the backside to the hole in the fence. (This is the hole where you leave this level after you normally are ready with it).
Now jump onto the airboat (it is not easy so keep trying) and from the back site (where the fan is situated) onto the balcony. Now run to the tower on the left and climb the stairs. Shoot the to guards and push the switch to open the gate doors.
Go back to your airboat and fly away. There is also no gunship following you till the next level.

Good luck.:cheese:
What, Half-Life 2's been released? I totally missed that!

It's quite easy to glitch hl2 levels, especially with a simple grenade boost. oldoldold
Pff, who cares about Half-Life 2? EPISODE 2 is OUT!

Yes, Half-LIfe 2 has been released. Orange Box you know!!!

It's fun, when you are ready with EP2 and Portal, to try some other thinks then running to the end of the game a.s.a.p.
When you arrive at gate #4, don't stop at the tower and climb on the stairs. At the end of the project there are several barrels with fuel.
Go to the most left site of the canal and go out of the airboat. Zoom onto the upper site of the gate doors and you see the barrels. Shoot several bullets and wait for the explosion.
Now you can pass the gate without entering the building and fight your way through.

When you arrive at gate #5, the guard is shooting at you while the doors are closing. Shoot the guard and place your airboat with the backside to the hole in the fence. (This is the hole where you leave this level after you normally are ready with it).
Now jump onto the airboat (it is not easy so keep trying) and from the back site (where the fan is situated) onto the balcony. Now run to the tower on the left and climb the stairs. Shoot the to guards and push the switch to open the gate doors.
Go back to your airboat and fly away. There is also no gunship following you till the next level.

Good luck.:cheese:

I use the first one all the time. Not sure about the second one. Nice tips.

Yes, Half-LIfe 2 has been released. Orange Box you know!!!

It's fun, when you are ready with EP2 and Portal, to try some other thinks then running to the end of the game a.s.a.p.

He was being sarcastic.
They just need to learn who the sarcastic assholes are, and who the normal assholes are!

Yes, Half-LIfe 2 has been released. Orange Box you know!!!

It's fun, when you are ready with EP2 and Portal, to try some other thinks then running to the end of the game a.s.a.p.

Half Life 2 got released only with Orange Box?
I can SWEAR it was released about two-three years (more?) earlier. It must have been my imagination.

Yes, Half-LIfe 2 has been released. Orange Box you know!!!

It's fun, when you are ready with EP2 and Portal, to try some other thinks then running to the end of the game a.s.a.p.

Oh My God.

My life has new meaning.
It's the same meaning, only now it's in Latin for your inconvenience.
very nice i'm gonna try this

skipped the train level in half-life, remember: use mines, and use them like stairs
If I were you I wouldn't skip any part of the game (of any game at all, especially the HL series).