Sky + anytime - How the hells it work?


Apr 28, 2004
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Just noticed this today, and can't figure out how it works. For those that don't have it, or haven't seen it, its a selection of shows that you can watch any time, without having to pre-record them. The thing is, you can fast forward to any point in them as soon as you start watching them.

Now given that it dosen't appear to be using any of my sky+ HDD space, how the heck does it work?
Its select shows from certain channels by the look of it.
Does this work on any channel or just a couple channels?

I believe it is selected channels only, similar to what Virgin Media are doing with several channels. Its a shame that Cable doesn't have this option for the scifi channel.

But it is pathetic on Virgins part. Out of all the channels that you can watch (50+), only 4 channels have the option (Crap channels)
My guess is that they have servers at the source, that save the data. You can rewind or fast forward the show from their own servers. Either that, or your box must have some large EEPROMs, that help you stream the shows and create a buffer, so you can rewind or fast forward. My guess is that you can only fast forward or rewind a certain amount, because of the memory usage.
With NTL you get on demand which can do the same and has about 1000+shows and films.
I don't even know what's goin' on. Sounds like Tivo.
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