Sky Boxes


Dec 12, 2004
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Ok, this is driving me crazy!

I have looked at countless tutorials, but i cant get my skybox to work.

I have simple cube, with a floor. I apply the skybox texture to the walls and ceiling. I add the texture to the map properties. The when i compile and play the level, it says it cant load it!

Does anbody know what im doing wrong?


Are you using the skybox texture (has it written in the image) not the cubemap images just before it. (though you can use them in certain cases)

Select the surfaces you want the skybox on and just apply it like you would any other texture, ensure its a skybox texture that exists (check for typo's)
ok, found the skybox texture at the bottom :) but now what do i put n the map properties? I tried italyup but it didnt load?
also, what are the cube maps for then? I noticed they had up, left right etc on them. How would I put these on my map?

Thanks again

when i place my skybox i don't even need a box- I just create one flat brush on top of my map and put skybox on it. When I enter the game the sky is all around me even thouth it shuldnt be there....weird
Albino said:
ok, found the skybox texture at the bottom :) but now what do i put n the map properties? I tried italyup but it didnt load?
also, what are the cube maps for then? I noticed they had up, left right etc on them. How would I put these on my map?

Thanks again

Those cubemap images can be used for faking the sky. Only really useful in area's you don't get much movement or can't see them from too great an angle (or it starts looking wrong) eg: put them outside some windows perhaps, if you needed the sky to look different. The uses like that are pretty limited though, and really those are simply there because the engine uses them as the sky textures (it displays every material available, including model textures)
its making sense now.

but what do i put in map properties?

im using the skybox texture : tools/toolsskybox

is this right?

ph, and why do some of the textures have pink x's on them?
Albino said:
its making sense now.

but what do i put in map properties?

im using the skybox texture : tools/toolsskybox

is this right?

ph, and why do some of the textures have pink x's on them?
the map properties already has a name in there by default for the skybox textures (toolsskybox isn't a valid skybox name)

check those cubemaps and you'll see they have different names, use those names for your skyboxes if you don't want the default one it uses.

There's an older thread in this section that also lists all the valid skyboxes you can use, or you can always make your own if you fancy it.
thanks, i found it, and i now have a fully functional skybox :)

now for 3-d, haha

