Skybox Models and Moving Objects


Nov 19, 2004
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Ok two questions:

1) I'm sure i heard something about models that are either smaller, or couldbe re-sized, for use in 3d skyboxes (as everything is like 0.625% of its original size)...where are these models if they exist?

2) Say i had an object, and i wanted it to move around continously on a set path, lets say, a would i go about setting that up? Bear in mind i know nothing of scripting :)
For number 2) I personally would do it by make the object a func_traintrack and making a circle with path_track entities, telling them each that the next one in the loop is the next one eventually have the last one say the first one is next, if you don't understand I'll reply with a more clear answer,

For number 1, you have to have special models at 1/16 scale, for the one's in HL2 they have the word skybox in them I believe. You can' not take a normal model and scale it down in Hammer.
Jay, sounds simple enough ill give it a go thanks, also thanks iced ill have a look around for those models