Slaves and pod like things?



I just completed Half Life and I thought the inside of the Citadel looked bloody amazing. The sheer size of it was really impressive.
I was wondering? What are the slaves walking around working? They seem to have no arms and look like mutilated humans? Also, when you are being transported around the citadel in those pods and go past one inside another?
What are they doing?
(BTW, those pods are for transporting people from different areas right? Cause you see them at various different parts of the game. Like on trains and stuff.

Can someone please give a quick explanation of these two things...its really bothering me.
Thanks alot.
The slaves are called Stalkers. They're basicly humans that have thier arms and legs ripped off and replaced. Oh and they don't eat. They run on salene. :borg:
Right lol...I just wish I could have shot one with the gravity gun then thrown it into the abyss lol. I was really disapointed that you don't bump into any of them!

What about the pod like things though?
They are Stalkers, the ultimate fate of the human race. They happen to be immortal, but are subjected to a life of torture and slavery. Thats what the Combine does, assimilate us...the Combine soldiers are basically stalkers, just aimed towards combat rather than slave work.

The pods are what the Combine use to transport citizens and stalkers back and forth.
They transport captive humans around, which later are turned into either combine soldiers / elites or stalkers.
Thanks for clearing that up guys...I would have never been able to get to sleep tonight otherwhise...
Personally, I sleep worse for knowing just what the Combine were doing to human "anticitizens."
Thats why I wouldn't be a anti-citizen. I just would try to stay out of the way.
Its the Combine technology that enables it, like the soldiers - its Breens upside. "Immortality, is within our reach." The Combines plan, at its basics is, cut off the ability to reproduce and nail humans down to a specific number, a low number, then said them off to another, I assume a Combine controlled planet (in some other dimension, as Stalkers), with the ability to be immortal. Then you've just got a few humans left, but they won't be going anywhere and will be able to serve the Combine for all eternity.

Think about it. No point in them enslaving the human race if were going to die off in 50 years.
Its all about combinifacation. They pull out those needless little organs we're unfortunate to be born with and put in shiny new metal organs. They're made out of stainless steel, so they never rust. Handy, especially when they never break down. Mostly. Thus, immortality.
But enough bullets should bring em down... Right? Or dog crushing or ripping them apart.
When I say immortal, I don't mean invincible - I mean immortal as in, they will live forever, not survive nuclear blast after nuclear blast. Combine soldiers are immortal, but in the sense your thinking.
Sam-2k said:
They transport captive humans around, which later are turned into either combine soldiers / elites or stalkers.

or food.....:|
they are the slaves of the combine , they have no body functions, only to work and obey, remember at the start of hl2? when u were gonna go nova prospekt? thats what you were gonna be!