Sleep deprivation


Nov 19, 2004
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What’s the longest you've even gone without sleep?

I've just done a 36 hourer.
lol, how can you say you just did one, which would indicate you are sleeping at time of post. That's some pretty good sleepwalking. Sleep posting... hmm.

Or, you mean "just done" as in, yesterday, or just woke up from the nap that ended that 36 hour spree.
weak.. i've gone 3.5 days

/me waits for people who claim to have been up for 3 weeks straight
I never sleep

Oh wait uhh i have no idea but im "weak" as well probably like 40 hrs

I end up like a zombie just sitting and looking and not understanding anything of anywhere
Ok good point,

I'm still awake, without sleep for the last 36 hours.

Been working shifts, 12 on, 12 off and didn't sleep my 12 hours off.

It's this lack of sleep business, makes you prone to mistakes :p
72 once, i'm not ever gonna repeat it.
Some crazy experiences happen when you stay awake that long.
I think it's probably around 24 hours for me. I stay up late all the time, but there's no real motivation to see how long I can go without sleeping.
short recoil said:
72 once, i'm not ever gonna repeat it.
Some crazy experiences happen when you stay awake that long.

lol, what experiences?
30 hours tops, managed to sleep the next 19 hours away after that.

Worst part is, I completely loose track of time and day. And that happens on a daily basis as I stay up late usually.
morningstar said:
lol, what experiences?
Feeling like your about to die, being too afraid to go to sleep becaue you feel like you are going to die.
And things repeating over and over in your head for some reason, you kinda cant tell the difference between what you imagine/thinking/actually experience.
It's not an experience i want to repeat.
Short Recoil is by far the most interesting person on here. :D

I like sleep too much to bother trying to see how long I can go. But when I am doing something fun, I will stay up 'til the early hours.
*shivers in corner*

Can't go to sleep... the cown'll eat me! Can't go to sleep... the cown'll eat me! Can't go to sleep... the cown'll eat me!

Longest for me is about 20 - 24 hours I think. 70 hours is FREAKING INSANE. Personally, I wouldn't be suprised if you really did die that night. Freaking zombies.
short recoil said:
Feeling like your about to die, being too afraid to go to sleep becaue you feel like you are going to die.
And things repeating over and over in your head for some reason, you kinda cant tell the difference between what you imagine/thinking/actually experience.
It's not an experience i want to repeat.

oddly enough, i'd like to try that, because of the feeling that i'm about to die :bonce:
Let's see... Maybe 48 hours, probably 36. I don't really time myself.
vegeta897 said:
Short Recoil is by far the most interesting person on here. :D
No question. By the way, Short Recoil, why'd you stay up that long? Just wanted to see how long you could last without sleeping?
longest might've been 30 hours but I doubt it... somewhere less than that prolly. i just don't see the point in not sleeping.
bvasgm said:
No question. By the way, Short Recoil, why'd you stay up that long? Just wanted to see how long you could last without sleeping?
Umm lets see, i was at a LAN day for 2 days without sleep and then my mate called me up to go camping, then i felt like shit and i couldn't get any sleep for the rest of the night (mainly cos i thought i was gonna die, i must have been dehydrated from the LAN as well or something)
I think i ended up passing out rather than falling asleep.
Hey, I am having a LAN this weekend! Starting sunday afternoon, and sleepover into monday. But I doubt we will skip sleeping... And let's see, if I wake up at about.. 10 that day...

That's only about 18 hours straight...

One time I stayed up all night at a Lock In. From what I remember it must have been roughly 22 hours. I went right to sleep when I got home.

Wonder why sleep is made to feel so good... There is nothing like just... Lying down. Worst feeling ever to have to get up for school.
short recoil said:
Umm lets see, i was at a LAN day for 2 days without sleep and then my mate called me up to go camping, then i felt like shit and i couldn't get any sleep for the rest of the night (mainly cos i thought i was gonna die, i must have been dehydrated from the LAN as well or something)
I think i ended up passing out rather than falling asleep.
Pretty productive three days. Sounds like fun except for the whole sleep deprivation thing.
Especially after staying up all night playing CS.
bvasgm said:
Especially after staying up all night playing CS.
I've never been that sad to play counter strike through the entire night.

For me, well i never intentially stay up long periods of time, i stay up all night usually but sleep the day through :D

Once when i went on holiday to ibiza, up at 6am bed at like 10am next whats that 28 hours, cos i was really busy! :p (rarely happens these days...getting too old for it)
Jack_Karverboy said:
I agree with you. Getting up at 6 in the morning sucks.
It's weird that when I wake up at 6 on a school day, I would trade anything, ANYTHING, for just 15 more minutes of sleep. On a weekend, though, I'll sometimes wake up at 6 and not be able to get back to sleep.

I hate my brain.
Narcolepsy said:
It's weird that when I wake up at 6 on a school day, I would trade anything, ANYTHING, for just 15 more minutes of sleep. On a weekend, though, I'll sometimes wake up at 6 and not be able to get back to sleep.

I hate my brain.

I dont have to leave until 6:40 so I just get ready really fast then I can sleep for a while. But I'm still tired afterwards. Yeah and I'll probably get up at like 5:50 tomorrow morning (It's 11:50 here)
Probably around 35hours or so.. I'm not doing that again. I couldn't talk or think straight, and I felt like shit.. I like sleep
Around 40 hours. After 24 hours I felt so bad that I wanted to die, but it went over quite quick, and the next 15 hours I felt normal.
Around 52 hours I recollect, with a 5 minute dozing off in a pub about 30 hours in.

That was a weekend of serious drinkage though.

Needless to say I don't do that anymore.