Sleeping too much will kill you...but so will less...


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score

Bad news.

What's a good night's sleep? The answer might surprise you.

Seven hours of sleep is plenty for most people. Much more than that isn't good for you. In fact, people who regularly sleep more than eight hours a night tend to die sooner.

A bit less won't hurt you. But less than five hours' sleep, night after night, takes a toll.

Sleeping late once in a while won't hurt. Neither will getting too little sleep every so often. But don't make a habit of it. Sleeping well is as important to your health as eating well
damnit. now i have to get my ti-85 out and balance my sleep book for the last 20 some-odd years.. somebody get me those tps reports.
eff that, I woud sleep 12 hours a day every day if I could

and stay awake 20 hours

welcome to summer

eff you both, I have a ti-89 titanium
It's just more scare tactics from the media trying to force us to get off our lazy asses. Damn them.
Where's a good place to buy second hand body clocks?
Damn. So my recent run of 3-hour nights, 15-hour nights, and all-nighters is detrimentasl top mty heathl? Espweckially myu menatl heathl?

Who'dka thlunk ip?
Brian Damage said:
Damn. So my recent run of 3-hour nights, 15-hour nights, and all-nighters is detrimentasl top mty heathl? Espweckially myu menatl heathl?

Who'dka thlunk ip?
if you'd read the rest of the article, you'd have seen that improper sleeping has no affect on typing skill..
you must have hand-cancer :(
Blut what abobt the mentawl degemerwation thak swureree refulks from vuch pings?

(Oh, and thehy knwo jack shrit aboup the effcks of bad slepping on typnig. I knwo what it duff to typign. I beed up lare mofe tham onve...)
Well it looks like I'm gonna die early.... :(
According to this thing I should be dead already. I rarely ever sleep, and when I do, I sleep for about 16 hours.
everything is bad for you. so do it anyway, you're not gonna live forever you know :hmph:
Dedalus said:
everything is bad for you. so do it anyway, you're not gonna live forever you know :hmph:
unless you can do exactly nothing.. i'm on it!
i tihnk i sleep enough, i just dont drink enough, so i lose concentration on whatever im doing and feel tired. :(

Edit : and Lil' Timmy, i like your dogs hat :)
7 hours? wow ! I sleep the correct amount then... god i'm filthy healthy!
My sleepingroutine is 2.00-3.00 to bed, and get up at around 13.00-14.00 (whenever I can)

/me dies
I must be god, because I'm still alive.
jesus, nowadays you will die of about everything. Next thing you know reading forums will kill you...
You'll die from watching "Rejected". Nice avvie.
hmm, well after an accident from a fight. I couldn't sleep without meds for years, recently started to sort itself out, point is, i could go for a long time without sleep if i didn't take anything to knock me out, and i never died, just felt tired but certainly never suffered any side effects. If anything it was kinda fun, all that time that would have otherwise been wasted sleeping.

Now I sleep too much lol
holy crap this forum is the most hilarious thing on earth after not sleeping all night
haha that it is. /me rubs his eyes
I wouldn't be worried so much about dying from too much or too little sleep; I'd be worried about sleeping too much -- period. If the average human sleeps 8 hours every night, then the average human sleeps away 1/3 of their life. That's a lot of... wasted life.
CyberSh33p said:
but sleep is a shitload of fun

I'd rather be having sex, playing a game (like HL2), getting drunk, going to a baseball game, travelling in Europe, etc., etc., then sleeping. If sleeping wasn't mandatory, I'd be freakin' Batman -- awake all the time.
you don't think drunkeness is wasted life?

sleeping is a bunch of fun anyway, I enjoy every minute of it.
MadHatter said:
I'd rather be having sex, playing a game (like HL2), getting drunk, going to a baseball game, travelling in Europe, etc., etc., then sleeping. If sleeping wasn't mandatory, I'd be freakin' Batman -- awake all the time.
Batman isn't awake all the time, what do you think the tinted windows on the batmobile are for. It's so Commissioner Gordon doesn't see him taking a nap behind the wheel
bah well I think im just about ok during school days however weekends are another matter. I waste my time when im asleep anyway
/me sets alarm
everyonepostssodamnquick said:
Batman isn't awake all the time, what do you think the tinted windows on the batmobile are for. It's so Commissioner Gordon doesn't see him taking a nap behind the wheel

while robin "sits" on "the" "cockpit"