Slightly disapointed



Im slightly disapointed in the size and the general game. Dun get me wrong its bloody good but the hype overweighed the released game. Wat r your comments?
No! The game is great. I think the game didn't get enough hype and Halo 2 got too much.
Well you're not alone, games with lots of stuff in them are always popular and get high scores; GTA San Andreas, UT2004, WOW, etc. The key to making good games is to pack them absolutely full of as much material as possible and polishing up the results.
I was disappointed that the Citidel was a ordinary sky high building in the game.

In the E3 videos, it was constantly moving with those side panels going up and down. A small thing I suppose, but I miss it. It made the building look cooler.
It was beyond my expectations. It was a good game for me.
Taking your time is always best with this game. ;)
For me, in no way did this game dissapoint. It delivered on all levels, and I absolutely love Half-Life 2. I owe this in part to luck I suppose, because I have never encountered any problems with Steam, the game itself, etc., that many have complained - with good reason - about. So I have never had anything detract from my experience with this game. I just love it so much.

Yes, it was dissapointing that the Citadel wasn't constantly "munching" on City 17, however.....

.....once you get inside? Oh my word!

*jaw drops*
That was truly something special; beyond gaming. It was an experience.
it satisfied me in all areas for the second game in the half-life saga.

the original though which i played after release in 1998 absolutely rocked my world - this one could not do that the same, as the original did for me back then.

but still hl2 has been another exceptionally good game and was another groundbreaker by all means
i really think this has bene the best game ever... I got a friend who hadn't played the original to have a go on a few of these supposed 'best new games' halo 2, san andreas, etc, and he said that half life was th best by a long shot, i know that's just one guy but it's nice to know that it's not purely the fanboys talking
Rupertvdb said:
i really think this has bene the best game ever... I got a friend who hadn't played the original to have a go on a few of these supposed 'best new games' halo 2, san andreas, etc, and he said that half life was th best by a long shot, i know that's just one guy but it's nice to know that it's not purely the fanboys talking

my friend, i was not even a fanboy before half-life came out . when i played the original back then it converted me instantly. the original was the biggest dose of salts ive ever had from a pc game back then in 1998. it only makes me weep to think u never had the experience and fun that the original game delivered so well in days of yesteryear..

it is nice to see it still has some of the old magic though :farmer:
I for one didn't like the first half-life at all, and think it was ugly as dirt. Still don't understand why CS was so popular...
ShadowFox said:
I was disappointed that the Citidel was a ordinary sky high building in the game.

In the E3 videos, it was constantly moving with those side panels going up and down. A small thing I suppose, but I miss it. It made the building look cooler.
Yeah...but at least they kept in the fact that the outer gates were "consuming the city" in the later levels...
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
I for one didn't like the first half-life at all, and think it was ugly as dirt. Still don't understand why CS was so popular...

Umm did you play it when it was released? or did you base your opinion on playing years after its release? HL1 was a breakthrough for all was wonderful.
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
I for one didn't like the first half-life at all, and think it was ugly as dirt. Still don't understand why CS was so popular...

omfg u moron how dare u say that

half-life upon release in 1998!!!!!! thats right we are talking 1998 when it was baby comming out into the world . which is the real origianl stuff. it was the best thing scince sliced bread. and was a total groundbreaker. its graphics engine was revolution back then.

i bet u never played it when it came out then and u have only played it in the last 2 years and think its not up to scratch. and u say its dirty. that is ignorance from u dude. the original came out in 1998 !!! remember back then it was the holy grail
My firend said HL was crap because of the graphics and he played it years after it was released so the graphics would be crap. But hey he also thought the Xbox has better graphics than a state of the art PC.
What an idiot i know!!!
It took me 30 hours or so to beat HL2. But then again, I explored as much as possible....

Not disappointed at all.
well i for one find your friends opinions very ignorant and offensive to the real half-life game . he has made me very upset and hurt my feelings.


i need a hanky