Slow Performance in Hammer



This is my first post in a long time (I made the one about my dance pad being coruppted)! But anyway, I am having a problem with Hammer. I recently gave up on my mod, only to make a new one the other day (Multiplayer mod.). So, I start up Hammer, the latest version, and it works normal for about a couple minutes. But when I make a cube and hollow it, it starts slowing down to a crawl. It's like it's taking up all of my RAM. Does anyone else experience this problem? Is there any way to fix it? I have an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200, and a 2.08 GHz Athlon XP 2800+.

Thanks is advance,
Clothe yourself in sackcloth and sacrifice three virgins...

Or, rather, try to close other programs, especially extra Steam windows and graphically intensive programs like Photoshop. Play with Hammer's options to improve performance--reduce the number of undo levels and the model render distance, and such. At least two people have reported that Hammer's performance improves over time (not sure how that's possible, but I was one of the two). Source games, and Hammer, seem especially dependent on RAM, so you could always get more...