small icon to for clan logos by name


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
like a small gif or something, everyone has a clan now

valve should cater more to their audience!!

[icon-here] dassbaba -|=('_')=> ==|| [icon-here] PLAYER
Imagine some of the images people would use. :)
here are thousands of clans
but the tournaments hav stopped
so why here are so many clans?

cuz here everibody is adicted to CS even is geting very boring(here)
That is a very good idea bout the gif files but I still think putting color on your name would be an easier and better solution. That way you don't have gifs of snails with giant weewees and other stuff...
Farfege said:
That is a very good idea bout the gif files but I still think putting color on your name would be an easier and better solution. That way you don't have gifs of snails with giant weewees and other stuff...

i think HL is unique in the way they display the names and who killed who.
it just wouldn't be HL-like to have coloured names and such.

clan tags? mehh.
nah.. it just isn't the HL style to do something like that.
half-life is unique with a lot of stuff
but i'll be conservative and say don't make it bad and add a silly clan tag image
I hate clantags, especially the very long ones, but short ones, IE 5 characters or less are ok.
dassbaba said:
like a small gif or something, everyone has a clan now

valve should cater more to their audience!!

[icon-here] dassbaba -|=('_')=> ==|| [icon-here] PLAYER

sound great..

Options Menu
add Clan name and select icon
few people here thankfully succumb to clans... lousy wastes of time
when i was in my hay day in my clan, the ussuall standard for clans was a 3 letter tag. Ours was [KAH] (killer assassin's honor) some other ones i remember are [DSF] (delta strike force). Some of the bad ass clans had one letter, -|{- (in my opinion a badass clan dag) for kolktiv or something and clan 420. These were all in TFC leagues. Clans are so much fun if a.) you have a friendly group of players b.) you've got your own server c.) you've got the time to put into it d.) you and your team players are good e.) if your in a good league with good rules.

If i had more time, I would definetely join a clan again. even though my clan didnt win alot I still had a great time. We had alot of fun playing matches and doing conc maps. There was lots of drama (guys got married, had kids, bought houses) these guys become close to you and you become a real family. I kind of miss my old clan. I still keep in contact with a couple of the guys from it. Some couple cool things that happened while i was in the clan were: clan leader offered my his ticket to cpl cause he couldnt make it. i meet our clan leader when I visited seatle. he flys sea plans and me and my parents went and flew around seatle in his plain. Don't poo poo clans dassbaba if you've never been in a serious one
staddydaddy said:
when i was in my hay day in my clan, the ussuall standard for clans was a 3 letter tag. Ours was [KAH] (killer assassin's honor) some other ones i remember are [DSF] (delta strike force). Some of the bad ass clans had one letter, -|{- (in my opinion a badass clan dag) for kolktiv or something and clan 420. These were all in TFC leagues. Clans are so much fun if a.) you have a friendly group of players b.) you've got your own server c.) you've got the time to put into it d.) you and your team players are good e.) if your in a good league with good rules.

If i had more time, I would definetely join a clan again. even though my clan didnt win alot I still had a great time. We had alot of fun playing matches and doing conc maps. There was lots of drama (guys got married, had kids, bought houses) these guys become close to you and you become a real family. I kind of miss my old clan. I still keep in contact with a couple of the guys from it. Some couple cool things that happened while i was in the clan were: clan leader offered my his ticket to cpl cause he couldnt make it. i meet our clan leader when I visited seatle. he flys sea plans and me and my parents went and flew around seatle in his plain. Don't poo poo clans dassbaba if you've never been in a serious one

oh but i have been in serious one(s)

I used to play counter-strike semi-professionally (the preffered term) and ive been to a good many LAN's for CS, Quake 3, UT2K3, and WC3. The "hay day"... that's a while ago. Now, the word clan can be next to meaningless. Everyone has a clan, and now what counts is the friendships and people you meet with these clans. There are 10 kajillion clans out there, and everyone is 12. real clans have professional websites like not or

just some thoughts...