Small internet


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
I was trolling through bash and found this, I only mention it because I really didn't expect to see any familliar names.

Small internets.

Share other "small internet" things. Now.
I thought I saw Zombie turtle on another forum. Instead it was just someone who posted almost the exact same thread asking the exact same question at almost the exact same date and time.
I am on no other forums actually, unless you consider IMDB one
Ah, Pi's trademark wit. Like a bad penny or Indiana Jones, turns up everywhere.

Someone I played with in WoW turned out to be a regular forumite. But who? It is a mystery.
Nice find... Pie does have a great wit at the best of times.
I sometimes find YouTube comments from people here or other people I know around the net. Other than that...

Also someone who used to post here, used to play Planetside with me occasionally.
I was registered on a forum and hung around there for a month or two. Then I left it, only to come back and check up on it and see that my school-mate registered on it. How he got to that forum, I don't know, but it was pretty mind-blowing.
I worked with and admin on another forum a few years back, we got on well. Just recently be bumped into each other by chance on a admin-based forum... strange but yes, small Internet