smaller than 1 unit


Mar 29, 2005
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how would one edit smaller than 1 unit for hammer? .5 or .25 units would be spiffy.
make one brush that is 1 unit wide. make another brush 4 units wide. place them side by side, and select both. when you scle the brush that is 4 units to 1 unit, the one unit brush is 1/4 of a unit.

placement is very much a painintheass of course, so it's better to build the whole thing at a large scale and scale it afterward.
doing this won't cause errors?... if not, shess.. i'm gonna start building my brush made models 4x the size and scaling them down to get nicer looking lines/curves.
unless you scale it perfectly, you run the risk of going off grid, which can lead to poor optimization when it comes to building vis leaves.
the biggest difficulty comes in trying to modify things. You think: "oh, maybe if I jsut move this over here a little tiny bit..." but if it's between grid-lines, your messed.... (Actually, I guess, if you were careful the first time, you could just scale it up again. :|)

just about anything you make out of sub-1 unit brushes should proabably be a func_detail anyway.... at least based on what I use it for...
I bet you can move a tiny brush by a fraction of a unit with the CTRL-M dialogue box.
Phisionary said:
just about anything you make out of sub-1 unit brushes should proabably be a func_detail anyway.... at least based on what I use it for...

I'd even say anything that small should probably be a prop_static, depending on the complexity and how often you're using that particular object.