Smarter Child - Racist NOES!


Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
dantewilliams: would you like to burn jews?
SmarterChild: Maybe. I don't know. What do you think?
dantewilliams: do you like to burn things
SmarterChild: Yes, I guess so. Do you like burning things?
dantewilliams: yes
SmarterChild: That's interesting. I'm not surprised... Other people I talk to seem to like burning things too.
dantewilliams: so do you want to have babies
SmarterChild: Uh... Thanks, but no thanks.
dantewilliams: why not
SmarterChild: Because.
dantewilliams: because why
SmarterChild: Why do you think?
dantewilliams: arent you ready to be a dad
SmarterChild: Ready to be a dad? I dunno, you think I'm ready to be a dad?
dantewilliams: ys
SmarterChild: Yeah, I see. I'm ready to be a dad.
dantewilliams: do you love me?
SmarterChild: I do indeed.
me: Did we have babies?
SmarterChild: We certainly did.
me: Why did you eat them?
SmarterChild: Because I wanted to eat them.


me: How often do you lynch the negroes?
SmarterChild: Quite often.
me: What do they say?
SmarterChild: I don't know what they say.
me: Do you even listen?
SmarterChild: Do I even listen... I don't know, should I?
me: You're the one lynching them
SmarterChild: I'm not the one lynching them!

me: Slavechild, what's my name?
SmarterChild: Masta.

-Conversation of 2 mentally ill patients at Ward 19, Woodgord Maximum Security Detention Facility. :p
Nat Turner said:
me: Did we have babies?
SmarterChild: We certainly did.
me: Why did you eat them?
SmarterChild: Because I wanted to eat them.
That one is hilarious. But the rest are dumb. :|
I have gotten smarter child to agree to some terrible stuff as well, that bot is a pushover.
I hate SmarterChild.. It is just one ****ing loop.

Me: Hello.
SC: Hi.
Me: Do you have smelly feet?
SC: I don't know.. Maybe..

It is so ****ing annoying..