Smg's or Rifles


Red Dragon


First post

Anywayz, ive been thinking, should i use smg's or rifles

I haul *** with both, so im like o_O

Im personally a sniper, but sometimes, like in the specialists mod, sniping is really useless....

So ya, i rock with both, and I want to know which I would best to use in HL2
I think you should play the game first, then decide whether you are more suited to a SMG or Sniper Rifle..

Speculating about it is pointless :(

Welcome to the Forums :p
Well personally, I prefer anything that's fully semi-automatic or bolt action. Weapons where aiming is more important than spamming are always more enjoyable for me.

So i'll probably be using the magnum a lot, assuming it still has pin-point accuracy. If the bullet spread has been randomed, i'll have to spam.
ive always preferd the pump shotguns. gotta get in real close with those things, tends to make things fun.
I prefer the rifles myself but we havent even got a clue how they will fire yet so whats the point in speculating?
I'll throw some rifles and smg's with my manipulator at those Combines if you have to know.
Duct tape them together and fire them both at once! :thumbs:
use the manipulator to pick up grenades, and there you have an instant grenade launcher
I'll beat them all to death with my schlong of mass destruction!
king John I said:
use the manipulator to pick up grenades, and there you have an instant grenade launcher

Wow, I never thought of that. A bit like in DoD, throw a grenade at your feet, pick it up with the manipulator and launch it at some combine! A great idea, as it would give them less time to react (and move out of the way).

On another note, did anyone notice the red light on the grenade the combine threw in the E3 2004 vids? When Gordon had finished killing the antlions. Do you think Gordons grenades will have lights on them? If they do then it's a new thing, since they didn't in the 2003 vids. Could be quite useful, or quite annoying. Thoughts?
I think it would add a lot to the gameplay to have those lights on the grenades. The more you know about where the grenade is, the better chance you have of being able to react to it, by manipulating or whatever.

Also, it differentiates live greanades from the ones you can pick up and put in your inventory.

My weapon of choice would probably be the RPGL, just because of the laser tracking power.
Mechagodzilla said:
I think it would add a lot to the gameplay to have those lights on the grenades. The more you know about where the grenade is, the better chance you have of being able to react to it, by manipulating or whatever.

Thats a good point, but lights on the grenades would also make them more noticable to enemies, removing some of the 'stealthy' elements.

Mechagodzilla said:
Also, it differentiates live greanades from the ones you can pick up and put in your inventory.

A very good point. In quite a few games I have killed an enemy only to see a granade left behind. I think 'hmmm, can a pick that up or was he going to throw it?' I then run up to the grenade and get killed.
I use my wits to talk them to death, or I'm really boring but in the end they die anyway.

But I love the smgs, give me an MP5, or an UMP and Im a happy boy :)
sHm0zY said:
Rocket launcher

the minipulator..
cant spell it

That gives me a crazy idea for multiplayer, have one of your friends shoot the rocketluancher, then you try to grab the rocket in flight with the manipulator, sounds crazy but wouldn't mind trying it for the heck of it.
Magnum and the flare gun/grenade laucher is all i need to have fun.
Totally the crowbar :D

I hope they bring back the uber pipewrench of death from OP4
Probably did play on the server, i think i remember you

Anywayz, its cause in some HL mods, the smg is better then the rifles, example: the specialists, firearms (their balanced)
jabberwock95 said:
Wow, I never thought of that. A bit like in DoD, throw a grenade at your feet, pick it up with the manipulator and launch it at some combine! A great idea, as it would give them less time to react (and move out of the way).

On another note, did anyone notice the red light on the grenade the combine threw in the E3 2004 vids? When Gordon had finished killing the antlions. Do you think Gordons grenades will have lights on them? If they do then it's a new thing, since they didn't in the 2003 vids. Could be quite useful, or quite annoying. Thoughts?
come on...what do you think the manipulator is for?
jabberwock95 said:
Thats a good point, but lights on the grenades would also make them more noticable to enemies, removing some of the 'stealthy' elements.

I think the moment you decide the throw a grenade, the time for stealth is long gone.
The magnum.
One-shot-kill with kickass power is awsome when you'll have to aim.
Smgs over rifles

semi-automatic Pistols over anything. (if you have skill)
specifically the
Socom mk23 or Ruger.

not the glock 18 (unless set to sem-auto), and not the raging bull or the glock 19.
My favorite weapon is the Shotgun, I will probably be using that against slow moving enemies like the Zombie and use against jumping/leaping enemies such as the Ant Lion. Nothing would be more hilarious than a Ant Lion leaping at me and I shove a few shells in its face in mid air. But I will mainly be using that MP7 so I could take enemies down without getting too close and avoiding taking too much damage. I would use a rifle or sniper rifle just to take out enemies if i'm not noticed to save ammunition with my main weapon(s). :borg:
I want this one.

Actually, I like carbines. They're pretty good at what both rifles and SMGs do. Of course, it depends on your terrain. City 17 would probably like SMGs a lot more than rifles.
Omfg Cmon People< You Are Hurting My Godamn Brain!!! Don"t Post Stupid Shit!! How The **** Are We Supposed To Know Whats Good Yet!?!??! Jesus H!!!
As per my namesake, i require only a crowbar, and i will learn how to kill anything with it.
gokumike said:
That gives me a crazy idea for multiplayer, have one of your friends shoot the rocketluancher, then you try to grab the rocket in flight with the manipulator, sounds crazy but wouldn't mind trying it for the heck of it.

I wouldn't mind playing that, if only to see someone spinning on the spot like a catherine wheel when they finally succeed...