
that was so good i had to watch it twice. what was with the ending though :naughty:
Now that is something COOL and emotional. :(

Man for a second its gave me the feeling of ....| I don't know.

:( that is scary.

Edit: Imagin for a sec you are in there. :( and if you don't smile you :x

Sad, Cool, and Scary
That was like the most tweaked thing I've ever seen. Heavily, heavily tweaked.
Kinda.. very... depresing

*Looks at HL2 discusion forums*

Ahhh much beter!! :P
Pendragon said:
Anyone else struck by the irony of someone called 'Suicide42' posting a thread called 'Smile!'?

why, inever thought of that :laugh:
That was probably the best flash I've ever seen. He conveyed alot of emotions and thoughts with out any dialog
qckbeam said:
That was really good until the end. The ending sucked.
Yep, was really good but the ending while I can see what he was trying to get across, was unfortunately done incredibly badly and let the whole thing down. Forgetting the ending for a minute though, the rest was great.
wtf was with that ending :O. completely spoiled what would otherwise have been a great flash.