SMOD question


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
How do you get into nova prospekt since the normal entrance is now blocked by a structure and the entrance is totally sealed off? :dozey:
This location I'm talking about is where you are at the last guard tower.
i think i know where you are at, but you should destroy 2 ships w/e they are called. then there should be a whole blown out in one of the walls. its easier if you showed a screenshot.
Wow... Smod is different... > >

No clue for Smod. Sorry. And link does work now.
Yeah it's weird that the hole in the wall is gone in SMOD.
the hole isn't gone, the problem is that sometimes in smod, the gunship fails to crash into the wall upon its death, thus making the hole.

I'd advise you to reload prior to the death of the gunship and try again. Eiter that or manually load the next level
Can't you use noclip to get through?! I mean, hellooooo? Think outside the box people! Also, who the hell would want to skip Nova Prospect? It's my 2nd favorite level.
Can't you use noclip to get through?! I mean, hellooooo? Think outside the box people! Also, who the hell would want to skip Nova Prospect? It's my 2nd favorite level.

Yeah but I guess I wanted to try to figure it out on my own.